Tuesday, August 4th....
I think this is a day we're all going to remember well!!
So much happened today in such a short amount of time! It rolled over us like a huge wave of drama.
We weren't prepared for this and I actually didn't realise it by now.
I honestly can't handle it.Soooo let's get started
Good Morning America
The boys had a show on GMA today. So many fans were already waiting outside the venue for more than one day in the lines and there was an enormous storm over night! I hope not many of you are getting that ill!They played some songs (including DMD) and then had an interview. GMA already said that they're going to announce a big surprise during the show on friday, but we actually weren't that excited bc we thought that they're going to announce something relating the fifth album.
But yeah we thought.This interview literally changed the whole day, week, month, year..... literally everything.
Basically the interviewer said to Louis "from father to father" and then he congratulated him on his unborn child.
The bomb dropped.
Louis just said that it's an exciting time rn and that he's really happy, etc. They didn't go into any detail and just carried on with the interview.
Like nothing happened.You could literally hear the crowd gasping and then they slowly realised what was just going on. It's actually horrible to watch and it must have been extremely awkward standing there in the crowd. (I'll put the link to this chapter for this video)
But I'm so happy for Louis and Briana. And I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be.
Many people are saying that this child is going to be the end of 1D -it's going to ground them bc Louis can't put enough effort for his work anymore and he wants to help Briana with the baby, but just look at Lux! We know her since the very first day and she's still with the crew on tour so why shouldn't it work with Louis' child?
But the truth is, we don't know anything about Louis' thoughts, his wishes, the band's contract, the things that the management wants him to do (I dont blame the mm for anything, but I'm just going through every possibility), his relationship with Briana or even Briana herself.So there're thousands of theories we can think of what might happened/will happen, but why should we go into this that far. I don't think they want this story to be that hype. Do you think Louis is fine with that?
They just released their new single! Why dont we talk about that instead?Let's dont waste our time on this comming up with new theories or hate on Briana, Louis or even Eleanor! This won't bring us any further!
Liam mobbed by paps
So Liam was out with his family and some friends and he got mobbed by super rude paps. He didn't want to take some pictures and just tried to get rid of them, but they just started to insult him and they weren't nice at all.
One woman shouted "this is why everyone likes Harry" as he tried his best to ignore all insults and his mum turned around for a minute and I swear she was about to fight that bitch lmao you could literally see the fire in her eyes.
Liam was really pissed off and showed that clearly in his next 4 tweets. He said that he's so pissed off bc he just wanted to have a good time with his friends and family and then he's literally forced to take some photos and put on a nice smile for the camera. He also said that he feels like a chased animal and he really dislikes all the fame for that reason and especially in New York he feels so uncomfortable walking down the streets bc he always feels chased.》》》》》
Niall mobbed by fans
Niall was also chased in NYC by some fans today and it's rumoured that he even called the police!
He also wrote some angry tweets about it and I don't think he's in a good mood atm.So please don't chase the boys!! Like I know you all want to meet them, get the best pictures, have a talk and complete your life goals... but just don't
Think about it《《《《《
Perrie broke up
So apparently Perrie broke up. Some "insiders" let it drop today.
But I dont believe it first of all bc Perrie was wearing her engagement ring today and I dont believe anything till someone confirmes it (well I said the same yesterday about Briana and Louis but we didnt know anything about that yesterday lmao)So please don't freak out and don't believe everything you here even if some random newspapers write about it. It doesn't have to be true!! Always wait till something is confirmed/denied or just read this book bc I'll be updating you with new stuff already tomorrow!
So see ya tomorrow and enjoy reading my updates c:
Lisa :)
Ngẫu nhiênWe all know that you can miss A LOT in this fandom in only one day! So I made this book to keep ya all updated on our boys, their concerts and this massive fandom! I'm going to update this book at least once a day so be prepared and enjoy it!! Dont...