Chapter 1

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I woke up from a pretty blissful sleep to someone shaking me violently. I say sleep it was more like a much needed nap! I rolled over and saw Jess jabbing and pressing into my side. I was so confused, how did she get into the house?
"I do not care what you have to say." Jess interrupted. "We're going out tonight."
"I'll pass tonight, I'm so bloody tired." I rubbed my eyes. "Who let you in?"
"I said I don't care whether you want to or not, you're coming out tonight and that's that." She smirked at me. "Oh, and your mum let me in."

I let out a sigh. Oh Jess, my annoying, wonderful Jess. She'd been begging me for months to go out with her and now that I had finished my exams I had no other excuse. The past few months of my life I had been surrounded by a pile of textbooks. I did not want to see another mind map until the end of time! I probably should go out to celebrate but my bed is so warm and comfy. I have on my favourite Eeyore pyjamas and the thought of swapping them for a pair of 4 inch high heels fills me with dread. I knew Jess wouldn't let this go though.

Jess is my best friend and she had been since we were tiny. Her birthday was literally the week before mine, we were like twins. If it wasn't for the fact I had known her so long I would probably hate her. She's one of those girls who is so perfect and lovely that you just want to hate her. Her luscious brunette hair always looked fantastic, this probably had something to do with her hairdressing job, but none the less it always looked awesome, it framed her body perfectly. She was the definition of stunning. All through college she had guys worshipping at her alter. She always had the best clothes, the newest handbag, the most expensive make up. Which i always got to borrow so I shouldn't complain.

"Jess, another night okay?" I pleaded.
"You're so frustrating Violet, come on!"
"You won't let this go, will you."
"Not at all" she said jumping off my bed and pulling at my arm, "I know the perfect outfit for you to wear tonight!" 

Jess ran straight over to my wooden wardrobe, she flung open the door so hard i was concerned that the glass mirrors on the front would smash into pieces. She was pulling out my clothes, rummaging for whatever she had in her mind. I was dodging jeans and t-shirts even my neatly ironed shirts were being thrown about. This is going to take me forever to clear up! She had great intentions but wow, the girl could drive me mad sometimes. She really quickly stopped, and pulled out one of my old dresses. It was green and frumpy, I completely forgot I had it.
"Wow, this is the most disgusting dress I've seen" she screamed
"My Nan bought me that Jess, don't be horrible"
"Oh..." she said trailing off, feeling obviously guilty.

I giggled to let her know I wasn't mad, she had such a kind heart and I knew she would be kicking herself for mentioning anything. Nan passed away a year ago now, Jess was there through the hard days and the good ones. I laughed to reassure her that I didn't mind. My laughing set her off and there we were sitting in a pile of my clothes crying of laughter. This is the madness I love. My best friend. Even when she is ugly crying from laughing so much. I guess I was being to come to terms with the accident but, I knew I'd never truly be over it. I'm grateful that Jess can make me laugh even then it's brought up. It helps to suppress the memories. When we finally composed ourselves she got back up and carried on hunting through my wardrobe. Moments later she turned around with a very big grin plastered over her face. She had pulled out one of my "special" dresses as my mum would call it. She also grabbed a pair of very high heels. The dress was short, plain and black. Perfect to show off my figure and a perfect dress up outfit for end of exams celebrations.

"Go,go get dressed." Jess demanded, slapping my bum as i got up from the floor.
"Okay." I answered trying to suppress my smile and act like the idea of going out wasn't growing on me.

"Come on girl, you've finished exams, lets go out." She shouted behind me.
I couldn't suppress my smile any longer, I strolled to the bathroom with a huge grin on my face.

When I eventually wedged myself into it, the dress ended above my knee's showing just the right amount of leg. I must have grown taller since the last time I wore it, because there would have been no way my mum would have let me buy it if it was this short when I first tried it on. Thank God my dad is out watching the football otherwise he would not let me out in this. It was low cut and showed more cleavage than I would have liked but Jess would say it's just enough, so I didn't bother even mentioning it to her. Even though I know will spend the whole night pulling at it, in a desperate attempt to cover myself up a bit.

Jess had spent about an hour completing my make up and hair, it was great having a best friend who was a qualified MUA and hairdresser. Looking in the mirror at the beautiful girl standing opposite me I would never have guessed it was actually me. Jess had somehow managed to add some volume to my hair, which made a nice change from my usual flat, dull hair. My eyelashes were perfect and the contouring of my face was perfection, my eyebrows were sharp and suddenly the thought of going out was really growing on me. You know when you look in the mirror and you feel so good you're ready to show the world? I mean, it was safe to say I did not look like myself. I slid my foot into the heels. It had been a long time since I last wore these. Wow they are high. I wobbled out into the living room.

"Violet, shit you look hot." Jess told me, she'd been ready and waiting for the past ten minutes. "You took your time though."
"It takes time to look this good." Placing my hand on my hip and pouting a bit.
"It was my hard work thank you very much. So how do I look?"
"Stunning, as always." I winked
"Right then, let's go. The cab is waiting."

We stumbled out into my front garden, she looked so natural striding along in her heels. Whereas I looked clearly out of place. My inexperience of wearing heels showed. I yanked at my dress, pulling it down to cover my thighs and pulling it across to cover my boobs.


Factual was busy, it always was. It was the only club in around so everyone went there, I guess that's understandable. The drinks were cheap so I can't complain. The music was booming, you could hear it as we got out of the cab. Jess fluttered her fake eyelashes at the bouncer outside and gave our names. She was such a flirt. Jess was the hairdresser of the owners daughter, Rachel, and over the years Jess had become good friends with her so we got VIP treatment, it was fantastic. We was ushered over the far right side of the dimly lit club to the booths which seemed all too big for just me and Jess, but they were comfy and the seat was a pleasant rest from walking in the heels.

"What can I get you" the neatly dressed waiter asked us both. Notepad and pen ready to scribble down our order.
"I'll have a Vodka and Coke, please." I said.
"I'll have the same" Jess agreed.

It didn't take long for the waiter to return with our drinks, which were placed neatly on circular black tray. The waiter put the drinks on the glass table and with a wink at Jess he walked away.
"Look at you go Jess, you're pulling already."
"He is pretty hot, I must admit" she giggled.
"Oh, I love this song" Jess shouted, she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the crowd of people dancing in the middle of the club. I dug my heels into the floor as much as I could. I did not want to dance at all. It was bad enough that I had come. I refused to dance as well. "Come on.." Jess shouted over the music. I knew she wasn't going to give in. Just like she didn't earlier. I turned around, downed my drink in one and out a grin. I gave into her, as I had done our entire lives. As I wobbled onto the dance floor the music changed, I love this song! This song had a faster tempo and within seconds I was lost to the music, dancing effortlessly with Jess.
Maybe tonight won't be so bad.

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