Chapter 2

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As disgusting as it sounds the sweat was dripping off my face. It was so hot in the club and we'd been dancing for what felt like a lifetime. Jess was a naturally good dancer and when I danced with her my confidence boosted. I might have looked like a muppet, swinging my arm's all about, but I did not care. I was having the best time and if I looked like an idiot, at-least I was an idiot who was having fun. It felt like hours ago that I'd been in my room, reluctant to come out.

"God, it is hot in here" Jess shouted over the music
"You'd have thought they'd have invested in some air-con!"
"Come on, lets grab a drink." Jess grabbed my hand and pulled me into the direction of the bar. I really hoped that the dancing hadn't ruined my hair, Jess spent too much time straightening it, for it to go frizzy because of the heat! I'd always had the struggle of my hair going frizzy. Whenever I was on holiday, I'd spend hours getting ready, making sure I looked nice for the evening and the minute I left the hotel room it'd all be for nothing because my hair would instantly spring out into a little mini afro. It was safe to say that I did not mix well with humidity. Living in the UK it wasn't often that I had to cope with heat! It was then that I realised how much I needed a drink. My mouth was so dry.

Jess brought me back from my thoughts with a jab of the arm. "What do you want, Violet?"
How had we made it all the way to the bar? I turned around and saw the sea of people I just pushed through. I was so engrossed in my thoughts I hadn't even realised I was walking through them.
"Erm, I'll have a Vodka and Cranberry please."
The back of the bar had a mirror so I had a second to check out my hair and smooth it over as much as I could. I didn't look too bad, to be fair. My smokey eye had smudged even more which just made it look better and my hair had stayed in place pretty well. I smiled at myself as the bartender brought over our drinks.
"I'll get this round" Jess beamed, placing her credit card against the card reader.
"I'll get the next"
We again pushed our way through the club and returned to our booth. The music was quieter over here and I could hear Jess talking without her shouting in my ear. I heard someone walk over to us...

"Hello beauty." I turned around and it was Rebecca, her dad owned the club and she was good friends with Jess and I.
"Hello stranger, I haven't seen you in ages" Jess got up and hugged her.
"I know it's been weeks, I'm sorry" Rebecca explained. "I've been in Italy for a while on the boat."

Rebecca, was beautiful. She had long blonde hair that framed her body beautifully. Her long legs looked crazy tonight in her blood red body-con dress. She really was unreal. She'd done some modelling for some designer brands: Gucci, Parada which tells you how pretty she must be. Her dad was super rich, she lived a life that everyone and anyone would envy. I know I bloody envied her. The family had a yacht that they took to the most fantastic of places. I know from her Snapchat's that she'd just got back from the Amalfi coast in Italy. God, the pictures she posted looked just unreal. I could only dream to live a life like that. I've always wanted to go to Italy, I'd love to see it from a boat!

"Violet, you look breathtaking" she interrupted my train of thought.
"Wow, thanks Bec" I laughed "I'm nothing compared to you," grabbing her hand. "Look at that dress; red is your colour." I pulled her arm and she gave us a twirl which resulted in her cheeks matching the colour of her dress. For someone who was so beautiful and done a ton of modelling; she was so down to earth that she'd get embarrassed at doing a twirl for her friends.
"Oh stop it."
"Honestly it's the truth" Jess agreed.
"Come, sit. Tell us all about Italy." I gestured to the chair.

We sat and talked for an hour or so, she showed us so many pictures, I got more and more jealous as the conversation went on. Amalfi looked beautiful, clear waters and huge cliffs surrounded Rebecca's yacht in all of the pictures. The buildings were all different colours: red, yellow, pink. The sun drew out the colour even more, it looked like a cascading waterfall of colour. I was always blown away by Rebecca, she was so mature and acted like a woman who had her life sorted out already. Jess and I on the other-hand didn't even know what we was doing tomorrow, we were far from having our life sorted out.

"Right, I should be off, I'm flying to Milan in the morning" Rebecca informed us.
"Well it's alright for some" Jess gushed.
"I'll be back next week silly, book me in then sometime so I can get my highlight's done" she gave Jess a hug.
"Of course, I'll sort it out for you"
Rebecca turned around to me. "See you later, gorgeous." Wrapping her arms around me.
"Bye, lovely." I said returning the hug.

When Rebecca had gone Jess and I just sat, probably silently evaluating our own lives! Rebecca was lovely but God she made me feel bad. I've just finished exams, I had no idea what I was going to do now, but she had everything planned. Perhaps I'm just really under-prepared?
"Can I take these glasses." My train of thought was interrupted by the very attractive waiter.
"Yeah sure, can we get two Vodka and Lemonade's please?" I replied.
"Of Course." He said, scribbling the order onto a piece of paper and walking towards the bar.
"If I don't get his number by the end of the night, I've let myself down" Jess mumbled watching the waiter make his way across the room.
"Jess!" I laughed.
"It's fine, I'll get the waiter's number and you can get the number of the guy that's been staring at you for the past hour." She gestured behind me with her hands.
I turned around and saw the most beautiful guy staring at me. Wow. All too suddenly I turned back to face Jess, I could feel my cheeks blushing. Even under the ton of makeup you would be able to see the rosey red.
"Has be actually been looking for that long?" I asked Jess
"Mhm..." She whispered. "Don't be embarrassed, but his mates and him are walking over right now..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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