Worlds Collide

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The phone rings and I pick up, but before I have the chance to lift it to my ear, I hear Emily chattering away.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Hey you." I secure it with my shoulder and hold up a shirt. "I had some alone time this morning on the beach and now I'm getting dressed to go shopping."

"You're alone on your last full day?"

I hate how Emily says "last". It feels so absolute.

"Elpida's at day-two of wedding celebrations," I explain. "She invited me with her but I passed. I have too much to do to prepare for dinner tonight. I'm cooking for her and Niko, and I want it to be perfect."

"Hot guy?"

"That's the one."

"Where is he?"

She asks it in a way that makes me imagine her eyebrows wagging up and down.

"I'm not sure." I take a deep breath. "Haven't seen him yet today."
"Hmm. Well, what are you going to make?"

"I was thinking tacos, but maybe adding something Greek to them."

"Mexican-Greek fusion?" She laughs. "It should be a thing."

"Oh it is." I pull out my cute jeans, and hurry to cover the suitcase with the blanket. Something prompts me to stop, and take it off. So I do, and I stare down at the yellow words, Size Does Matter.

"Hey Mia?"


"What are you going to do about the apartment?"

What am I going to do? It wasn't long ago that I felt alone in this big overwhelming world, in that small half empty apartment. Now, I realize how lucky I am—I have Emily and Elipda, and Niko.

"I'm going to let Ryan have it," I say.

"What? You hate movin—"

"I know. But I don't love it, and it's time for me to do and be where I love."

The phone goes silent.


"I'm here," she says. "I was just checking I had the right number. For a second I thought you were saying something I agreed with."

I roll my eyes. "I miss you."

"It's because I'm awesome."

"And humble," I add, smiling.

"Incredibly humble."

"I better get going. I have a long walk to the market."

"Okay, call me after dinner. I want to hear all about the kiss."

I was hoping she'd forget about that for now.

"Oh, and I have some time off work," she continues, "and now that I know you're staying with me, it's going to be endless days of slumber party!" She squeals and I hold out the phone to protect my ears. Last time she was this excited I agreed to go to Greece.

"I should stock up on chocolate and soda," she says. "We're going to need those."

"We are?"

"Um, yes, it's a slumber party. Haven't you ever had a slumber party?"

"Not since middle school. I didn't know you could still have them in your thirties."

"You don't know a lot of things."

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