Who introduced you.

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Phil Coulson was your uncle and of course he was obsessed with Captain America so he had to introduce you the first time he did you couldn't help but stare at him in a vest top in which he replied to with "ma'am do you like what you see" to which both of you then blushed. Phil just had a stupid smirk on his face after seeing you two flirt.


It was your niece who introduced you, you lived in another realm but had come to visit your young naive niece she was great friends with some of the royalty from Asgard so of course Thor came out voice booming giving you shivers and once you saw him both you and Thor were frozen like it was only you two. Of course your little niece ruined the moment by shouting "(y/n) stop staring at my future husband, you can marry Loki instead" you knew she was only joking but went along with it and stood next to Loki which didn't go down very well with Thor :).


It was a weird meeting when Loki took over New York your 6 year old nephew went running off to find an alien with you frantically looking for him you spotted him in the air holding on to Iron Man you were a bit shocked to see him in the air but after him spotting you Tony put him next to you "hey go into hiding would ya don't want your beautiful face and his adorable one getting hurt now do we" with that you just shook your head while he winked and went flying off to find some more aliens.


Your older cousin was Natasha so after finding out whathappend in New York you wanted to go and see her. After meeting all the avengers except one you were super excited Dr Bruce Banner was your inspiration that was who you wanted to be (not the green monster bit) but a super intelligent scientist. When Bruce walked through the doors still in his lab coat you knees went all wobbly to you he was perfect. After being introduced by Natasha you and Bruce talked none stop about nothing but science, Bruce was surprised by how much you knew thinking you would be more into fighting like Natasha but after hearing what you had to say he had a total different opinion of you and it was a great one.


Your little cousin was being trained as an assassin by a professional you had never met him and wanted to so one day you decided to go with your 20 year old cousin to see her fight what you didn't expect was him to be the famous Hawkeye the man you were obsessed with and had a huge crush on of course trying not to fangirl (like I would of) you sat there watching them fight, you were watching more of Clint's muscles moving than your little cousin's moves thinking you could get away with it you were wrong. At the end of there session Clint came up to you and asked "so what do you think of Rachael's progress" you were completely flabagasted (made up word) you dint know what to say so you just went with instinct and said "she seems to be doing great I'm really impressed" thinking you got away with it you stood up but Clint wasn't finished "really? Well if you had been watching Rachael more and not my arm muscles you might of saw she made six mistakes in fighting but as your right shes doing great" you saw the playful smirk on his lips and you just started blushing. "Urgh come on (y/n) I've got his mobile number you can flirt with him another time right now we need to get moving" with that you bidded farewell and left with a big smile on your face.


Your grandma had worked in the cells Asgared so she wanted you to follow in her foot steps so she gave you Loki to look after. At first you hated it all he would do is pace and glare at you, why? You never knew but decided you wanted to know why so one day after just coming down from dinner you came straight out with it and asked "why do you glare at me I have done nothing wrong, why?" You wanted to know and wouldn't leave unroll you found out, Loki already new this and decided to give you the honest truth which is why he said "because you my dearly beloved (y/n) are so gorgeous I want to hate you but just looking at you makes me never want to hate you" after hearing what he had to say you started uncontrollably blushing untill your day ended with that you told Loki you would see him tomorrow and would hope to talk to him, Loki having no objection to be talking to a gorgeous lady agreed hoping to figure out more about you.


Your grandad had got you a job in shield as working in helping then in need this being BUCKY. After getting signed in and getting a tight leather suit you stood up and went to see how Bucky was doing. When you got there you so a handsome man sitting in the corner silently crying "hey,hey come on I'm (y/n) in here to help you come on let's go get something to eat and we can speak then yeah?" You asked realising that his room was more like a prison cell than a posh hotel room you took him out to a secluded booth in the cafeteria where you chatted to him (you doing more talking) which he didn't mind as to him your voice sounded like and Angel so he was happy to listen and when asked to answer your questions. After your lunch you then realized that maybe getting Bucky to open up wouldn't be as hard as you thought.

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