Chapter 28

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"I'm going to miss you so much." Nicole says hugging me.

"I'm going to miss you too." I answer.

"Promise that we will talk." She says with sad eyes.

"We will." I say holding her hand.

Lisa hugs me after Nicole and Robert gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I say goodbye to them and I head to the security and the scanner.

I'm at the airport, I'm leaving London for good. That was probably the last goodbye I said to Nicole and her parents.

I get to the boarding gate almost an hour before the departure. I sit down and open my purse taking out a gift that my friends gave me yesterday. They gave me instructions to not open it until I was waiting for the plane.

I rip apart the wrapping paper and I find a book, a novel from Danielle Steel. "Going home" is the title of the book and I can't believe in the irony. They told it would me help getting through the long 23 hours of flight. I open the book and find a photo inside. A photo of our group, it was taking some weeks ago when we we're at Emma's and Matt's birthday.

This is the worst part of leaving London, the friends that I am leaving behind. I wish I could have spent more time with them, they are a great group, the best that I could ask for. I will certainly never forget them.

Saying goodbye was hard, the last moments I spent with them haven't left my brain since I have woke up this morning.

20 hours earlier

"I can't believe you're leaving us." Nicole says for the fourth time.

"Me too, but I have to. My life is in Australia now." I say looking at the sadness in their eyes.

"Maybe one day we all will be reunited again." Damian says trying to raise the dark mood in the room.

"Yes maybe." Matt says smiling.

Emma hasn't said a word in a while.

"It's time to go home." Nicole says checking her watch.

We are seated in Matt's and Emma's living room around a small coffee table.

We all get up and Damian is the first to come to me and he gives me a tight hug.

"Good luck." He says to me.

After him Matt comes to me and hugs me for a long time.

"Sorry for anything and thank you for everything. I will miss you so much." He whispers in my ear.

"I will miss you too. And sorry for what happened between us but I am glad you're happy now." I whisper back.

Matt kisses my cheek and then I feel Emma's hand grabbing my arm and taking me to the door.

I can't see Nicole and Matt and Damian stayed behind.

Emma probably asked them to give us some privacy.

We're in front of her house when she hugs me and starts crying. I can't help but I start crying too.

"I will miss you so much Kat." She says sobbing.

I know how she is feeling, I know because I'm like Emma. We're both solitaire people and we were lucky in meeting in my first day of classes. Otherwise we probably wouldn't have ever talked. I know what she means, I am the closest friend she has. I hope she and Nicole can get along now.

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