The Fight War

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#£njoy ^.^


I look at them all in shock. They gave me THE WORST TARGETS EVER. ONE DIRECTION?!?! Eh .. this is gonna be easy. I smirk.

'Congrats?' I say shrugging my shoulders.

'Now your coming with us.'


'or else'

'or else what?'

All the boys exchange looks at each other.

'Get her.' Zayn demands.

All at once the boys start to charge at me.There so funny,they think they can beat a level 10 assiasn.Funny.

As I turn around I jump onto the bed and backflip off of it to be standing behind the boys. I grab harry head/curls and throw him hardly against niall so they both end up hitting the wall and fainting.

I quickly turn my head and there goes liam trying to throw a punch at me. I dodge his hit by ducking down and kicking him in his thigh. While he falls I sense louis charging at me from behind so I throw my whole arm up to stop him. It works and he falls backwards. Forgetting about liam he pushes me backwards,collapsing me against the wall. Owch,that hurt. I look up and he's looking me straight in the eyes. Forget that lovey-dovey shit. I hardly pound my head against his and he falls back faintly. Once I'm free I stand up and look around the whole room. Everyone fainted except one. ZAYN.He's no where in si-Nevermind he's at the bathroom door frame leaning against it.

'Your turn'

I smirk and jump into the air , kicking my foot into the air , and aiming at zayn. He reacts quickly by hitting my foot down and letting me fall to the ground. Zayn is just as strong as me. The only diffrence is he's in a DIFFRENT agency as me. I'm glad he is to.

I look up at zayn is standing exactly two inches away from where I fell. My reaction was to swing my leg around him and make him fall. I quickly get up and press my leg down on zayns chest.

'Unit 7.Back up please in targets room' I speak into my watch and boom. there goes leslie fly threw the door in a action where her hands are made into fist ready to fight.

'Tie em up leslie' She looks at me and nods. Before she ties them up she gives them a sleeping pill. I tye the last not to zayns hands.

'your making a big mistake alex marie' zayn says. I shake off that thought and give zayn his sleeping pill and boom he's knocke-


Me and leslie exchange looks . Omg !!

'get it.' leslie whispers to me nodding her head towards it . I sigh and make my way towards the door . Before opening the door , i look through the peep hole . . . . . . The front office lady ?!?

"Yup?" I ask slightly opening the door so she can only see my head .

"Um .. ma'am you have the .. right to remain silent"

Right then and there she pulled out a gun and pointed it towards me . oh shit .. now were in big TROUBLE .. i thinkk ?


Hey !! ¢: how was this chapter ? lol . Did you like ? love ? hate ? Comment ? Any ideas ? [sorry if it came out short >.<]

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