I just wanted someone to save me.

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A/n: please don't read if your triggered easy. So this is a trigger warning. Enjoy, remember to comment rate and vote!

Jordan pov:

I didn't ask to be like this.

I didn't ask to have a eating disorder.

I didn't ask to have a broken family.

I didn't ask to be suicidal.

I just want to be a normal child, with a none broken family. A normal child that wasn't messed up in the head. But it all ended that night, the night I had enough. The night I plucked enough courage, the night I hanged my self. All I wanted was for someone to save me, from the demons that lived inside my head.

That day:

I tossed and turned all night, i couldn't sleep at all. I kept having nightmares, so I  dreaded going to sleep. Scared that the nightmares and the demons of my head returning. I started to cry, the demons were speaking to me saying things. " No one really needs you Jordan, go ahead. Do it, no one would notice." " No one even likes you, why stick around." The voices kept getting louder and louder, eventually I cried myself to sleep around 3am. I was tossing and turning in my sleep, then all of the sudden, *beep, beep, beep* My alarm clock goes off at 6am, ugh great. School. I dread going to school because all everyone ever does at school is bully me, name calling me to pushing me and hitting me. School is just another hell hole, besides the hell hole you would call, my home.

After about five minutes of laying in bed staring at the ceiling, I wiped my face and could feel the dried tears running down my face from crying that night. I sighed and got out of bed, before I started to get ready, I made my bed up all nice and neat. When I was done, I went to my closet to choose my outfit for the day. After about 10 minutes of picking out an outfit,  I settled on a red and black plaid shirt, and some black skinny jeans, and a white beenie. I put on my outfit and walked to the bathroom, I plugged in my hair straightener and while the straightener was heating up, I brushed my teeth. When I was done brushing my teeth, I straightened my short flippy bright blue and purple hair. When I was finally done with my hair I threw on some eyeliner, grabbed my backpack and my ipod and skateboard and went down stairs. When I came down my mum was already up. Weird. She usually sleeps all day, ever since my so called  Dad left after my mum told him to leave. He was just a horrible person.  I hugged my mum and put on a fake smile and told her I loved her, after that I walked out the door.  I sighed when I got outside, I dreaded school. Before I knew it I was at school. I picked up my skateboard, put my head down and tried to walk through the hall unnoticed, but wow would you look at that, I couldn't go unnoticed by them. I was walking to my locker, I could hear them snickering and laughing at me. I felt the lump in my throat, trying my hardest not to cry.

"Jordan, your still here?! I thought you be dead by now !" One of them said.

"Yeah! why are you still here, no one even likes you. Just do everyone a favor and kill  yourself already!" Another said.

When I passed them I ducked my head down even more, slowly putting the combination into my locker to get my things I needed. I got everything slowly, I could feel them watching my every move so I just went even slower. Luckily the bell rang and they left, I hurried to get to first hour.  I barely made it to first hour one time. First hour I had English, I walked in with my head down and walked to my seat to the very back. As I was walking back to my seat someone tripped me, but luckily I caught myself from falling. I threw my stuff on my desk and laid my head down and try not to cry.  Almost half hour later , the bell rings for second hour. I slowly dragged myself through the halls getting shoved, called names going to history. By the time I got to history I was almost bawling, I asked to go to the bathroom and luckily he let me go.
I get to the bathroom and slide down the wall crying. I cant take it anymore, im just going to get thru this class then leave school. I was still crying, I stood up and walked slowly to the mirror. I look in the mirror and im just disgusted at myself. My eyeliner running down my cheeks, my eyes all red and puffy. I sighed and laid my hands on the sink looking down at the ground, I sniffled and mumbled " its going to be all over soon. No more pain" I was determined to not fail this time. I wiped my eyes and made myself look decent and walked back to class. I returned the pass to the bathroom and put my head down and walked to my seat. I looked at the clock. Just a little longer Jordan, then you'll be out of misery.

I sat there with my head down on my desk while the teacher was giving the rest of the lesson, time was going by agonizing slow. I actually fell asleep, but when the bell went off, I quickly got my things and bolted out of the door. I ran to my locker opened as quickly as I could, I  grabbed my skateboard and threw everything else into my locker. I locked my locker then quickly walked out of the doors without anyone seeing that I left. I threw my skateboard on the ground and started going home, I couldn't hold back my tears and started to cry. I got home and when I did, my mum was right there in the kitchen.

"why the hell aren't you at school?!" My mum said standing up walking towards me. I gulped and said

"uhm, I got out early?" I said

"That's complete bullshit." Then she slapped me, never in my entire life has my mother slapped me.

( Idk why but now my computer is typing like this and cant change it  back )

Even more tears flew down my cheeks as I run up to my room, while my mum yelled at me " no wonder why your father didn't like you!"

I slammed my door and locked it, I went to my closet and got out the rope I have been saving oh so long


I pulled up a chair and tired the rope around my fan, then got down and sat on my bed crying. I opened my night stand drawer and pulled out my blades. I put the cold piece of metal to my skin, 1 cut 2 cut 3 cuts 4 as the blood dripped to the floor. I sliced up both of my arms, the I got some paper and a pen and wrote my mum a tiny letter which said:

Dear mum,

You were a great mum before dad left, you just lost yourself. I'm tired of hurting and no one wanting me, but i love you even though you don't love me back. Don't cry over me, I'm in a better place now. I'm finally happy.

Love Jordan. 

I threw the note down on the bed, there's blood everywhere from my arms and I looked at the rope and climbed up to the chair putting the rope around my  neck " goodbye world, no more pain."  Then i kicked back and everything went black. I was dead, gone, no turning back.

This is what everyone wanted, now everyone can be happy.

a/n: Hey sorry its really sad and depressed, I'm just really sad atm and basically just wrote my feelings kinda but yeah, all these are probably going to be depressing me I'm so sad. I hope you like it though.

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