I fell for her..

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A:n/ This is a girlxgirl story, and its gonna be cute ^^ Remember to comment, vote, and share.

Baily pov:

There she is.. sitting over at the table with all her friends, and here I am alone with nobody. Her name is Emily. We were friends in 6th and 7th grade, but we stopped talking over the summer. She got even cuter then the last time I saw her. I wonder if she even remembers me. I sighed and picked up my lunch that I barely ate. I threw it away and went back to class.  I enjoyed History, because in that class I got to sit next Emily. It sucks because I'm a girl.. and shes a girl, I know I'm a lesbian but I don't know if she is. It makes me really sad. I sat down in my seat doing my work, i could feel someone watching me and when I looked up I saw that Emily was staring at me. I tried not to smile so I just blushed and looked down at my work. I saw Emily get up and leave the class. By the time we got back, the final bell rang and it was time to leave. I grabbed my things and trudged through the sea of people. I put in my combination in and opened my locker, when I opened it up and note fell out. I picked it up and read " hey, I miss you): text me 859*******" I just stood there confused and decided to just text the number later. I threw in my binders and grabbed my backpack shoving the note in my bag, I closed my locker and started walking home. I got home around 3:00, I walked into my room threw my things into the corner and threw off my shoes as I plopped down in my bed. I got on my phone, then about an hour later I remembered the note. I got up and looked for the note. When I found it I opened up and new message and punched in the numbers.

*new text message*

To: 859****

"hey? You gave me a note to text you?"

after about 5 minutes the person texted back saying " Omg Baily! I missed you."

later I figured out that it was Emily and we agreed to go to the mall later.

* Later at the mall*

I am current waiting for Emily to get her, and I'm really nervous. Then I saw her running towards me so I ran to her and she picked me and hugged me tight. I would have to admit that the hug gave me butterflies. About 2 hours later she told me why she stopped talking to me, and what she told me made me happy.

" the reason i stopped talking to you is because i had feelings for you and still do and im sorry you dont feel the same i-" I kissed her. I kissed Emily while she was in the middle of ranting to me that she liked me. I was honestly so happy, and completely understood her reasoning. She kissed me back and hugged me tight.

" please be mine?" Emily asked me and i gave her answer by kissing her. I think she got that my answered was yes.. I never been so happy in my entire life. Everything I ever wanted was finally mine.

~The end~

A:n/ I hope that you liked it.. its really bad and I'm sorry but please comment on what I should write next! comment, rate, share

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