Knifes and Fangs Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"The wolf thought to himself: 'What a tender young creature! what a nice plump mouthful"

-Red Riding Hood the Brothers Grimm

She is shorter than I had expected. I was expecting someone a little taller and a little older. Red Raven is supposed to be a fifteen year old not some dumb ten year old. I keep walking looking for a good spot to show her. Riley is right behind me, she seems a little distracted.

I glance back at her. She looks up at me with no emotion on her face at all just a stare. She looks as if she can read my mind, it makes me nervous. That or the fact that my jacket and gloves are making me sweat like a pig.

"Where are you taking me Wynter?"

"Where do you want to go Red?" I ask only a second after I realize my mistake she said to call her Riley and I called her Red.

"Red?" She looks at me with her no expression again.

"Your hood" I say trying to correct my mistake. She can't know I know that she is the Red Raven. Not yet anyway.

"Gift from my Gran." She says looking away.

I nod and keep walking. I can't believe I was such an idiot. I have one mission and I already messed that up.

"I have to go now" Riley says interrupting the silence.

"Whatever for? Surely a young girl like you doesn't have work?"

"Actually I do." She says looking back at me.

"Oh? What work can a ten year old do?" I ask.

"I'm fifteen" She pushed past me and started walking away.

"Fifteen." I say. This is Red Raven. I was starting to doubt that she was the real deal. You have to admit she looks only about the age of ten.

I have enough information to report to bad wolf. Lets see I know her age and that she has a gran and now what she looks like. I don't know where she lives yet though. I watch Red enter the forest before actually following her.

If I don't find out where she lives I'll be dead. I look around in the forest to see if I can spot her. It should have been easy spotting a red hood in the middle of a green forest. I looked around. I can't lose her already.

I can't breathe in the jacket. I take it off and remove my gloves. I look around some more before starting in a direction. I see a spot of red. I duck into some bushes and head towards it as quickly and quietly as I can.

I stop when I'm closer to it. It's just a little bit of red cloth tied to a tree. I thought I had her. I stand up and look at the cloth. It doesn't look anything like her hood. I may have to take a bit longer on this mission then I intended.

I hold my jacket and gloves as I walk. Bad wolf will be mad but I can't do anything about it. I stop and look around. It feels as if someone was following me. My fluffy wolf tail waves around a bit before I go back to walking. I take of the stupid cowboy hat I had on and let my ears pop out.

I need a better costume. This one is to hot and to noticeable in the summer.

I see the cave up ahead. That's big wolf's hideout for today, Tomorrow it will be someplace else. I walk into the cave and look around.

I am fall to the ground as something jumps on top of me. I hear a laugh.

"Oh it's just Wolfy!" She pushed her white hair back and flipped off of me. Wolfy a stupid nickname from my middle name Walfy. She thought it was a blast to call me Wolfy.

"Hello, Bridget." I say standing up and looking at her. She long white hair that she leaves out, a pair of jean shorts, and a black t-shirt. She smiles showing her fangs and her white fluffy wolf ears pop up. She laughs again and her tail wags.

"I thought you were some stupid human I was about to kill you" Bridget explained.

"Nope just me" I say. I can't smile around Bridget even with her upbeat attitude.

"Well you bring any news about the little blood thirsty bird?" Bridget asked. I know what's really behind her smile and I can't smile along with her.

"A little bit" I say "I know she has a grandmother."

"Anything else?" Her smile remains until I shake my head then it disappears. She is glaring at me now with her green eyes.

In an instant she has me pinned against the wall.

"Listen Wynter. You can't screw up this one." She growls.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter XD I Wasn't sure what to write for Wynter next so back to Red!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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