Top-notch - One Shot

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        Let's set the scene, shall we? A spacious recreational park in the middle of a medium sized community known as the city of Rose. While this city was much less glamorous than its neighboring city of Sina, it was more glamorous than the city of Maria, which was the other neighboring community. Maria practically wrapped around both Sina and Rose, and Rose wrapped around Sina. They were almost like a wall of sorts for one another. The rich lived in Sina while the middle and lower class families lived within Maria and Rose. All three cities were kept in the utmost order and beauty, Sina more so than Maria and Rose, which brings us back to the recreational park.

        You stood with your camera bag settled on a nearby wall from some ancient ruins that had long since began to crumble. Your digital camera was hanging from your neck by its strap. A couple stood before you, newly weds, and their entourage stood off to the side as you talked to the man and woman on how they wanted to do the pictures. They were a fairly rich couple, but they wanted to have their post wedding pictures taken in Rose since they had heard many good things about the particular park you all stood in.

        They finally settled on having the picture taken from an aerial view as they laid on the ground with the skirt of the bride's dress spread out in a perfect circle, the husband laying in the opposite direction with his head next to his wife's. The group of family and friends grew confused since they weren't completely sure on how you were to get the picture from an aerial view since there didn't seem to be a ladder anywhere near by. You knew exactly how to do this though, adapting and over coming the obstacle presented before you. You helped the groom spread out his bride's gown as she positioned herself. While the groom laid down with his bride, you scaled one of the nearby quartz pillars, your camera still on your person. You were careful as to not bang your delegate piece of technology against the pillar's hard surface as you climbed up the tall pole.

        You balanced yourself on the top of the Greek style column before crouching down into position to snap a few pictures. You stood back up to your full height of 5' 2" and snapped a few more before carefully jumping down, landing with perfect ease. The group applauded you for your phenomenal landing. You smiled a goofy smile and gave a small bow. You had the entire wedding entourage get individual pictures, then with the bride and groom again, the bride and groom with their respective parents, and then the two small groups together. You then proceeded to take group shots of the bride with her bridesmaids and each one in a separate picture with said woman, you doing the same with the groom. Finally, a large group picture was taken with the entire group. They had serious pictures in which they smiled and then some silly ones where they did hilarious poses and faces with one another. It always made you laugh when the parents in any wedding picture would join in with the fun, for they were normally the most creative out of the bunch.

        After the photo shoot was over, the newly weds thanked you with all of their hearts for your fantastic services and looked forward to having their pictures when they came back from their honeymoon. You told them it was your pleasure and wished them a safe trip and congratulated them on their marriage. As the group of wedding goers left to head to meet the rest of their friends and family at the reception, you began to pack up your photography equipment. After you finished putting everything in its appropriate case you walked back to your car with the cases in tow. You loaded everything up and started the long drive back to your place of employment, Destiny Photography Incorporated. You wouldn't really say that you were employed there though. It was your company after all.

        You had created the incorporation when you were only seventeen. You had just graduated high school, having graduated a year early for getting all of your graduation requirements met before your senior year. You had excelled in your photography electives and opted for college, but you wanted to start a business just to try to get your feet on the ground in the world of grown ups.

Top-notch: Modern AU (Levi x Reader ~ One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now