[13] Research

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Steve walks in front of me, leading me towards the training room. I glance around the small but busy hallway awkward glances coming my way. I suck in a deep breath as I look down at the ground, watching my feet move against the floor. I can still feel all the eyes on me as we continue to make are way towards the training room. Steve was shocked when I ask him if I could tag along with him.

I guess it's because I've only been back for four days, and with everything else that's happen. But, I need this. I think this well be good for me, kick the crap out of a punching bag and maybe even Steve if he feels up to it. Steve slides his key card at the panel, the door slides open and we both walk in. I set my bag next to Steve before ripping my red hoodie off.

I bend down, opening my bag to put my hoodie in. The door to the gym opens and Steve clears his throat. I eye him not paying attention to why he cleared his throat. I shake my head before grabbing onto my boxing gloves. Steve clears his throat again, I stand up turning around to face the people in the room.

My eyes land straight on Natasha, Clint, Tony, and Thor right behind her. I stare at her longer then I meant to. After a couple of seconds she breaks eye contact with me. The room now grows completely silent, I can feel my chest start to get heavy but I quickly brush it aside. I can't let this bother me. But to be completely honest it does.

I close my eyes before strolling over to a red punching bag over in the corner of the room. I pick it up, gently putting it on the hook before dropping my gloves onto the mat below my feet. I take a couple of swipes at the punching bag before I fully start to get into it. Pain sears through out my whole body but I totally ignore it.

"Spy Kid." Tony whispers walking past me.

I don't say a word. If I do I'll totally blow, and I really don't know how well that would end. But a picture comes to mind anyway, all I can see is Tony ending up in the hospital with a couple of broken bones and lots of bruises. I slap at the punching bag more, my eyes not leaving the bag once.

"Hyde," Tony whispers again, I absolutely ignore him.

"Tony don't." Steve warns standing straight.

I swipe harder at the bag shoving it at Tony. He catches it right on time but by not that much. It pushes him back a couple of inches. I glare at Tony my mind burning with rage.

"Give it back." I snarl my eyes growing dark.

"No." Tony cockily replies as he holds it in his hands.

I inch towards him my voice growing colder, "give it back Tony."


"Tony, just give it back to him." Clint buts in.

"Why?" Tony ask looking over at Clint. "He needs to get over himself. This brooding is getting quite old."

Steve and Clint step towards Tony at the same time. Out of the corner of my eyes I can see Natasha standing still. And for a split second I feel bad because from the look on her face I can see she blames herself. It's not completely her fault but it still doesn't mean I'm not mad at what she did.

I tear my eyes away from Tony, my eyes flickering to the ground and back at him. I shake my head.

"Have fun working out." I hotly whisper walking towards my bag.

"Hyde wait." Natasha calls out, stopping me in my track.

"Lady Natasha," Thor calls out towards her. "I don't think that's a good idea. He seems upset at the moment."

"Hyde please just let me explain everything." Natasha pleads following me out the door and into the hallway.

I look over my shoulder to meet her bright green eyes. I look away closing my eyes and sucking in a deep breath. All I need... all I want is an explanation. I can hear her footsteps coming closer to me. I turn around to face her tears starting to run down my cheek.

"I thought you were dead." My heart crumbles as I listen to her every word. "I didn't want to do this without you."

"Why... why didn't you come looking for me?" I challenge my voice firm.

"We did Hyde. There was no sign of anybody. We searched every place we could find, and yet we never found you." Natasha explains.

"Where is he?" I ask, "Where's are son?"

Natasha walks towards me and I don't bother to back away. I just want to know where he is. So that I could search for him and just see him one time. I can feel the tears crawling down my face as I stare at her. Natasha softly swipes her thumb against my right cheek removing any trace of the tears.

"I just... I just want to see him once." I confess looking down at the cold floor.

Natasha wraps her hands around my neck before replying with a nod. My mind goes to my father, he did this and a part of me wants to hate him... but a part of me doesn't. I want just want to put all of my hate onto him for what he had done. For making me miss all of the things that were important to me. After a couple of minutes of silence Natasha tells me all that I what to know... all that I need to know about are son.

His name is Luke and he looks exactly like me. The people that adopted him live in Upper East Side and are both Doctors. I listen closely my mind taking in every word that Natasha tells me.

"Jim and Carol Parker." She whispers, "I haven't kept in contact but I'm pretty sure they can't be that hard to find."

"I need to start researching." Coming out colder the I meant for it.

Natasha gives me a small smile before her eyes flicker to the floor. I stay silent, keeping my distance from her. I'm still not a hundred percent okay... it's going to take me along time to get use to her and Bruce. Loving her kept me alive during that dark time. I'll always love her and I'm going to have to show Bruce that I'm not going a way that easy.


A/N- I hope I explained everything well. Please let me know what you guys think it means the world to me when you do! Thank you guys again for all the support you have given me. It's kinda a short chapter please forgive me! Not edited.

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