Dipper Lies

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Dipper POV
I woke to Grunkle Stan yelling from downstairs. How come Mabel didn't wake me up? That's when I rember yesterday. Mabel got bitten by the snake. I heard Stan again. What am I going to tell him! I checked on Mabel. Her bit looks a little bad but not to bad. I ran down stairs. "Hey Kid where's Mabel?"Stan asked. I had to think of a lie. "S-She stayed up really late last night. So she's sleeping in" I awnserd while scratching back of my neck. Stan seemed to by it because he just said eat up and he went into town.

-Time Skip-

It's been 4 days since I woke up and checked on Mabel bit. She's getting worse by the day now. Stan keeps buying my lies but for how long. There's something in the journal about a cure but it also says it's hasn't been found in a long time. Before I could but my journal away everything went black. Before I passed out I heard "I got a deal for you Pinetree."

Hello people! Sorry for the long wait. I had school and other family stuff. But I should be able update more often now. See ya later peeps

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