A Bit of Love Hate

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I woke up...A bit early today.I looked at the clock and it showed 5:10am.Oh Great I thought to myself I always talk to myself anyway.I went to the bathroom and washed in the cold bathroom, with the cold water pouring out of the shower.I got dressed into my natural clothes a skinny top,baggy pants a black jumper and converse...white ones...I went downstairs silently as for I didnt want anyone to hear me..But I didnt succed my bag fell down the stairs,I screamed when I saw a spider and then I slipped on the wet floor.I heard my dad get up of the bed and locking his door.I didnt eat anything bcuz Im never hungry untill 10am.I txted Stacy and Sam my two mest friends..

Im coming at 6am..Be ready..Im not WAITING!!

I got my coat and looked at the time 5:45am..I ran outside and down the road.I passed barely any ppl.I reached Stacy's house at 5:50..and called for her..She came out in a pink dress with pink,sparkly high heal shoes and a pink ribbon in her hair.oh grat...she is kidding me..But obviously she werent.

"Hey you look gorgous"I lied..I couldnt say she looked like an idiot..She looked at my baggy pants and my coat..she just but her chin up and started talking about her boyfriend...Tom...He was like the most pimply fella ever..what does she see in him?

"Hes like an angel..Oh sorry got to go...I neeed to go with him..U go with Sam see ya later"She screamed as she ran towards a big house..I was abondand again..I ran to Sams house not wanting to look back at her...I couldnt believe that brat..I knocked on her door.she ancered in her natural outfit skinny jeans with a pink top..and black converse..I told her everything as we went to school.I only got bullied once.Bcuz of my brown hair they were all blonde..we went into english first..We did lots of boring stuff there like reading  Romeo and Juliet.then to Sience which was boring bcuz we watched a movie about making airplanes..Which was barely anything gotta to with science..

We went outside..we had an hour outside...I ran over to Sam and Stacy.Stacy put her chin up and walked off...again..Sam looked at me..her eyes full of disappointment..

"We were having a conversation"She said with a disappoined tone..she was so innocent..so sweet..the prettiest of us three..I was the ugliest..She had huge blue eyes and thick hair.I couldnt actually believe it..She picked her over me?

"FINE WHY CANT U GO AND MARRY HER?WHY CANT U CALL HER UR BEST FRIEND NOW?"I screamed too loud everyone stared as Sam started crying and fell to the ground.I jusmped over her and ran....I couldnt even look back as boys and girls called out for me.I ran to my quiet place..the forest and kept on running.I couldnt stop.I crashed into three trees..I fell twice.I scraped my hand of the torns five times.And I didnt care about the blood or the bruses.I felt discrasful..I brroke the friendship with two of m friends.I couldnt take it.i lied down Peacfully slowly and hummed a song.My favourite one..Little Thingss by 1D..Im a fan.A huge one.

Then all of a sudden big hands touched my back.I didnt dare to look back.I knew it was Sam.So I said sorry please forgive me.And stuff like that.For ages untill I heard laughing.I looked back.And it wasnt Sam or Stacy.It was Harry Styles.

A Bit of Love HateWhere stories live. Discover now