The Dinner

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As I looked into my mirror curling the last strand of my hair my brother enters my room with a strange look on his face.

"Alex are you sure u don't wanna stay home. We can watch the latest batman movie" My overprotective annoying big brother tells me.

"Andy as I told you for the 20th time, I'm going" I told him. Andy still thinks I'm his 'baby sister' and I'm 17. Anytime i want to go out he always try to get me to stay home.

"I'm ready", I spin around and took one final look in my mirror. I was so proud of my self, my dress which I made was the perfect fit. It was a iridescent white knee length dress, with a sweetheart cut to the top and it fluffed out from the waist band. From the waistband go down I stuck rinestones which fell with an ombre effect on the dress. My hair was naturally curly in a half up half down look with a silver burret to the top. My shoes and my purse were silver with rinestones on it as well. I hardly wore make up so I just applied face powder, mascara and lip gloss.

As I walked out my room my brothers eyes landed on me.

"Mom where is Alex going" my other sickening brother Max asked.

"Doesn't she look just beautiful. And she's going to her schools dinner," my mother told him already knowing what my brothers were thinking.

"No she doesn't, and that dress is too revealing go put on a jacket" This time it was Toni who spoke.

As you can see from this it's not only one over protective brother I have but three. Andy is the oldest and he's 30, Toni is the middle boy and he's 25 and Max the youngest of the boys is 19.

"For your information monkey butt, my dress isn't too revealing and big face I'm going, I already bought my ticket with MY money which I worked hard for. So if you will excuse me Candy's mom is out side waiting for me to go".

My mom watched them and laughed she then gave me a kiss and hug and told me to enjoy my night. As I got into candy's mom car candy's face was struck.

"Is this my best friend Alex actually looking hot!" Candy was my bast friend, we're not like those cliché bestie who sleepover at each other houses or lime(in my country lime is like socializing or partying) every weekend.  Instead we insult eachother... embarrass eachother and drive one another insane... candy was wearing a long torquoise gown with pearls all over it. Her hair was in a updo with pearls stuck all over.  Candy wore more makeup than me but she still looked amazing.

"Candy I don't know if that was an insult to my everyday life or a compliment."  Well aside from the fact that we wear uniforms to school and I never go out I was actually expecting her to say something like that.

We arrived at the schools auditorium and I was amazed as to what it looked like... they did a fairytale theme... there were lights everywhere twinkling around the midnight blue curtains and drapes... the tables were white and blue with light strung around the Centre pieces... the chairs alternated with blue and white.

"Miss are you and you're date ready for your picture" he snapped me out of my gaze.

"Oh. No it would just be me I don't have a date" yes I went stag to my dinner even thought all my friends except Amy and Sammy brought dates. Some of them brought their boyfriends, others their best friend and some were just needed a date for having a date sake. Some one told ne to ask one of my friends but I was like why bring a date when u have to entertain that person whole night when I could just lime with my girls, eat as much food as I want and dance by myself nit worrying about stepping someone's foot... 

So after taking my picture I was later seated at a table which I like to call the 'singles table'. Basically they take all the guys and girls wjo font have dates and put them there. After about a half an hour of waiting for the venue to start, talking to myself and trying to beat the third stage of injustice I saw someone sit next to me. He was wearing a black shirt with black pants and a white bow tie... his hair was straight and messed up but in a really neat cute way, he wore these adorable glasses and had the cutest smile on his face. Oh my gosh his smile was so adorable.

"That game is the best, I once pulled an all nighter trying to complete the challenge" and with those few words I was already realising I was going to have another crush very soon.

Okay so this is my first book ever I couldn't sleep so I decided to write this if anyone reads this I hope you enjoyed it if not please be free to message me and let me know... I'll keep posting as soon as I can but for now I jus want to see how this goes... thank you so much for reading and see yall soon... btw I'm sorry for grammatical errors I will fix them


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