I didn't ask his name

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"So you like dc?" I asked him.

"Like it? I love it" he told me and then he smiled again, did I mention he has a cute smile.

I swear this boy is cute and geeky, two of my favourite things. For the remainder of the dinner he made me laugh and we continued to speak about the latest batman animated moves. That was my favourite part, because I'm a closet geek, I've been going to an all-girls school all my life, and no one really wants to talk about that kind of stuff with me. So instead I eat lunch by myself or with Candy and mainly read my comics. At lunch the other girls just gather around speaking about bikini waxes and makeup and the guys from St. Joseph boys high, who by the way pays no attention to them what so ever. I attend St. Monica's high which surprise, is one block away from St. Joseph. I can't stand the guys at that school, they act all high and stuck up just because they were rated the #1 school in the country.

After we were finished eating we sat in silence, we weren't talking as much as before it was kind of awkward because we were complete strangers. I was observing him, he sat upright on his seat and he was watching the centre piece. He looked really interested when he began to eat he rolled his sleeves until it was just above his elbow and he kept adjusting his glassed. He caught me staring and I immediately blushed and looked away.

'I fly like paper, get high like planes' and with the start of that song everyone got up from their seat and started dancing. I don't really like dancing or people touching me so I stayed where I was which was away from the crowd, Thank God. Instead I watched as one by one everyone left their seat and started dancing, oh one thing I forgot to mention is that St. Joseph boys high is the brother school to mine so the dinner was co-ed, and by having both boys and girls in the same room, once the lights were off that was it.

"Aren't you gonna dance?" he practically shouted because of the loud music.

"No I don't really like dancing especially dancing like that." I pointed to a girl grinding on a guy. "Aren't you?"

He shook his head then opened his mouth to say something but I couldn't hear and to save me the embarrassment of asking him to repeat I did the one thing I thought I would never do, I took his hand and lead him out the door to the schools garden. At first he was a little confused but then he realized I was just trying to get away from the loud music.

"I'm sorry for kidnapping you like that but I couldn't quite hear you." I told him.

He slightly laughed, "It's okay I'm kind of glad to be away from that loud music. Soooo... what's your story?"

"My story?" I asked him a little confused

"Yeah, why is such a pretty girl like you doing sitting by the 'single' table" he said using his figures to quote single. "A girl like you must have guys breaking their necks to just catch a glimpse of you."

He made me blush so much, no guy has ever complimented me, well except for my dad and brothers, but no guy my age has ever done it. I was frozen, how was I supposed to respond to that? As I was lost in thought he waved his hand in front of me.

"Umm...Thanks." Urgg stupid blush go away. "What about you, no girls of your choice?"

"Nope, girls don't really find me as attractive as the other guys." He told me digging his hands into his pockets. Seriously have you seen a mirror, you're freakin adorable; those girls are at a lost if they don't see that.

He was like the guy version of me. Geeky but still average, his confidence level wasn't the best and he was into comic book as I am but no one knows because he was afraid of what the guys in his school would do to him.

For another hour we asked each other questions. I learnt that he did sciences which included biology chemistry and physics, also he was into art but didn't do it as a subject and he hated math and loved English. Seriously how can a science kid do physics but hated math, also he is a football player. I told him that I loved business and math, I also told him that I couldn't draw to save my life and that I was not a sporty girl. He laughed at my comment and told me he was glad I didn't lie just to impress him, and that that was impressive.

After a while we were telling each other funny stories. He told me of the time he shaved his best friend's eyebrow when he was sleeping because he broke his grand theft auto ps2 game. I couldn't stop laughing. Then as I tried to control my laughter clutching my stomach my purse started to vibrate.

'I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world, Life in plastic it's fantastic' my best friends ringtone came on, I know it is pretty annoying but it's her favourite song and I just had to.

"Alex where are you, mom has been outside for 10 minutes and I've been looking for you!" she screamed into the phone.

"She's here already?" I asked her.

"No. I'm just calling you and freaking out just for a laugh" she said sarcastically. "And what do you mean already it half twelve we were supposed to leave 30 minutes ago.

I had totally lost track of time. I then jumped from the bench and grabbed my bag. Putting the phone away from my face I looked at him.

"I'm really sorry but I need to go." I told him and he looked a bit disappointed

"It's okay. I enjoyed speaking to you. You're a really nice girl and I hope we meet again" he told me smiling.

I apologized on more time and then ran to the parking lot to meet candy and her mom.

"Where were you whole night? I didn't see you at all." She was practically interrogating me.

"I was around." Trying to not tell her about him because if it's one thing I know about my best friend is that she will bug me about him till the day I die. I looked out the window thinking about him how cute he was and his adorable smile.

"You were with a boy, weren't you?" She asked me looking at me with the biggest grin on her face.

"Me? NOOOOOOOOOO!" I tried lying to her.

"Oh please Alex. I've known you for 5 years don't you think I know when you're lying" she knows me too well.

"Fine, Yes I was" I surrendered early not wanting to argue after my wonderful night.

"Eppp... is he cute, tall, does he go St. Joseph, is he nice... oh what's his name?" I tried to calm down my best friend.

"Yes he's cute, he's a foot and a half taller than me, I think he goes St. Joseph..." and as I was about to answer the last question my heart sank, "I forgot to ask him his name."

I felt so stupid, we spoke whole night, we made jokes, we lost track of time, but how can I forget the most important thing, his name?


Well this is my second chapter I hope you guys like it. I'm so excited, I can't believe I'm writing a book... thank you for reading and I cant wait for the next chapter, would alex ever see him again? I cant wait. Thank you for reading and as I said befor this is my first book so feel free to leave your commens...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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