I want to tell you.

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In the next day. You still couldnt forget how he hugged you, and because of that, your feelings towards him grew stronger. But at the moment you were puzzled how to confess to the setter. What if he rejects you? That was your point. Going back early to the school, doing the same thing everyday. You've got nothing to do like always. But at that time, lunch time, the ginger dragged you all the way to the hall. He wanted to see you play volleyball. You insisted. You refused. Why should I play volleyball?

"Oi. Shoyo. Stop dragging me."

"I-I won't give up!!!"

". . ."

He can't move you after all. The great difference your height and weight from him. You stared down at the other with an emotionless expression.

"Just let me seeeee! One time only! Just a toss. Or probably just one spike of yours! Pleaaseeeeee!"

". . . Fine."

You swatted his hands away, leading the way to the open space. He had his volleyball between his arms and torso, you walked a bit further to make a distance between you and him.

"Do you know how to toss, Shoyo?"

"I-I think I do. I watched Kageyama doing it."

"Then you don't know how to do it. You just know how to watch his toss."

"J-Just watch me!"

Recklessly he gave you a toss. A weak one, not a good one. Seriously. You rolled your eyes to the right before pulling off your blazer off, throwing them on the ground, but that toss was good for you to give a great spike. Immediately your figure ran towards the toss he gave you, bending a bit, soaring up higher, arms extended, you hitted the ball with all you got.


It bounced back upwards due to the speed and energy you gave to the ball before landing back on the ground once again.



". . . Ok lets go back now."

"Can we play more a little bit longer. Please Please."

You couldnt avoid his beg. You have mercy after all. You groaned under your breath before agreeing to the male.

After 5 minutes. Your back were now soaked with your sweat, also your forehead which the fluid cascaded down onto your chin. It was already been too long that you haven't done volleyball. But somehow.. you were happy.


"What now."

"You should join the girl's volleyball team. I mean... you're really great at playing! And and-- you're amazing, (L/n)-san!"

"I'll think about it."

He smiled with glee, jumping repeatedly in the air, humming a cheerful tune.

"So when you do that. Please practice with me again!"

You smiled slantly, picking up your blazer, hanging them onto your shoulder. But right now you were wondering where... Kageyama is.

~before you played with Hinata~

"Damn it Hinata. You didn't brought me with you."

Kageyama who was stalking you two since the moment you both left the hallways. He watched Hinata dragging you, begging, smiling and most of all being close to you. The raven haired male frowned a bit before trailling behind you; continuing his stalking activity.

"Do you know how to toss, Shoyo?"

"I-I think I do. I watched Kageyama doing it."

The setter facepalmed behind the building where he was hiding.

"You only just know how to watch me then, you dumbass."

Then at that moment. He saw him giving you a reckless, hilarious toss he had ever seen which made him to double facepalm himself.

"Hinata. You're humiliating yourself."

But somehow amused. Kageyama saw you spiking the ball in the perfect angle even if that toss was dull. His eyes widened, eyes focused onto you now.

5 minutes later.


"What now."

"You should join the girl's volleyball team. I mean... you're really great at playing! And and-- you're amazing, (L/n)-san!"

Kageyama knows the reason of why you quit that sport. He sweatdropped at Hinata's statement. How can he be so reckless?! Didn't he already knew that you quit? At that moment. The raven haired male already predicted the poor ginger's future. He'll get scolded by you, or you'll give him a lifetime piercing glare through his soul.

"I'll think about it."

His prediction wasn't bad as he thought. So you did changed your mind. That brighten up his day a bit, smiling to himself.

~Present time.~

"Ne. (L/n)-s-san."


"Will y-you b-be m-my--"

From the building he's hiding, his heart pumped rapidly.

'What if Hinata asks (L/n) to go out with him?'

That was his concern right now. He made sure he won't finish off his sentence, no hesitation, he ran towards them with great speed.

"Hinata! (L/n)!"

He cannot be heard from that distance though.

"Spit it out."

"Will you be my....!"


"My bestfriend?"

Gaping at his ridiculous confession, he stopped running with his hands was placed in front of him, more like understood that it says NO.

"Oh sure Shoyo."

Shifting your eyes to your side, you saw Kageyama, standing with a hilarious gesture. Just what the heck was he doing.

"Were you been there the whole time? Kageyama?"

"No... I-I-I just got here."


"Kageyama! We were looking for you!" Said the Decoy. Despite he was there behind him when he started dragging you.

"So you are both bestfriends now h-huh?"

You both nodded at the same time.

"S-So... (L/n)..."

". . ."

"Will you be m-my."

You gulped. Blushing madly. Even though you don't know what he'll say. Is he confessing to me?

"K-Kageyama spit it out... you're bad as Shoyo.."

You pretended to be cool. But still your face shows everything that it made that obvious that you were nervous right now.


The third time.


Fourth time.

"(L/n). W-will you be my girlfriend?"

Eyes widened. Face was red as tomato. On the spot you fainted, a loud thud was made, and at that time the bell rang. The two volleyball players didn't know what to do. Meanwhile Hinata was also blushing. From the thought that Kageyama actually confessed to you in front of him.

"Seriously Kageyama! T-That wasn't romantic!"

"You're the one w-who's not romantic!"

"Quit blabbering and take (L/n)-san to the nurse o-office!!"

{{To be continued--}}

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