Chapter 2

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--------------Harry's POV------------

I looked out the plane window, and watched all the clouds roll by. California, the OC, thats were we're headed. I'd never been to California before, but it's supposed to be nice. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to pick up a hot chick there. As I looked out the window my mind started to wander, and next thing you now, I was thinking about my old best friend, Darcy. She's was like a sister to me. I loved her that way, and that's the only way I probably ever will, if I ever get in contact with her again. After I left for the X factor, for some reason I never thought to call her. When we finally came in third place, and got the record deal with Simon,I tried to call her but she had changed her number. Every now and then I think about her. I bet she doesn't think about me though, I mean she's probably forgotten me. "Excuse me sir" a voice interrupted my thoughts, I looked over to see the flight addent looking at me. "You have to do up your seat belt since we are beginning to descend." I obeyed her, and did up my seat bealt. I looked over at Louis who was sitting beside me, and smiled. Well, I thought Californa here we come.

---------------DARCY'S POV------------

I pushed open the door to Starbucks the bell enoucing my arrival. I looked around and saw that Lizzie wasn't here yet. I walked up to the counter and ordered a Java chip frappicino, my favorite. I also ordered a choclate chip cookie since I hadn't eaten lunch yet. While I was waiting for my drink I looked around. That's when I noticed that there was a crowd of girls over by one table whispering in loud and excited voices. That's strange I thought, why do they look so excited? First time at Strabucks maybe? But that's not something to get too excited over. I shifted my weight closer to them so I could here their conversation. "I can't believe their coming here!!" One girl whispered, "You're sure this is the right Starbucks?" "Of course I am" Snapped back another girl, "this is the only Starbucks near the airport and Niall just tweeted that they were headed here!!" "Ok, ok just checking" whispered back the other girl. I leaned away pondering the conversation I had just heard. Who was they? And Niall that name sounded familiar... A tap on the shoulder interrupted me from my current thoughts. I looked over to see Lizzie smiling at me. "Hey!!" I exclaimed. I loved Lizzie like a sister she is so special to me. She has red curly hair, bright green eyes, and freckles, covering her face. She's so cute. "Hi" Lizzie responded and pulled me in for a hug. Once my drink came Liz and I went over to grab a table and I told her about the conversation I had overheard. "Wait did one of the girls say Niall?!" asked Lizzie in an excited voice. "Ya", I answered, "the name seems so familiar but I just can't put my finger on it..." I slowly trailed off. "Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod", Lizzie squealed, "I bet she means Niall from One Direction!!! And that means that 1d is coming here!!!!!!!" "What?!" I said In a panicked voice, "Here!!! No they can't come here!! Harry might see me and recognize me!!!" "Oh", Lizzie gulped, "Well it looks like it might be to late." Lizzie pointed out the window as a big balck SUV pulled up. The girls I was eavesdropping on before started squealing like crazy. Everyone in Starbucks looked at them like they were nuts. I quickly grabbed Lizzie's arm and pulled her towards the door, before I could reach it however, I crashed into somthing... hard. "I'm so sorry", I heard a deep gravely voice say, "Are you alright?" I looked up into beautiful emerald green eyes. I gulped. It was Harry.

-------END OF CHAPTER TWO--------

So guys how did you like it? Please comment and tell me :) I know that chapter was really short but the next one will be longer I promise

-Becca 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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