Chapter 5: Symbiosis

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"Look what the cat dragged in," was the first thing my Dad said when I walked in the house. I dropped my backpack by the door and leaned against the wall. "What happened to you, son?" Despite his forced smile, I could see the worry pinch his face.

"I tripped..." I muttered. My age-old excuse, also known as Dad's cue to drop the subject. Nervously, I pulled at the stained t-shirt I was wearing. I heard my Dad mutter to my Mom something about how clumsy I was. They were both watching me with forlorn expressions. "Actually, I lied," I said suddenly. "I got into a fight."

They stared at me with stunned expressions. My heart pounded. I was just as shocked as they were. "Well, did you win?" my Dad asked.

I paused, then grinned. "I bloodied his nose, actually."

"That's my boy!" My Dad whooped, jumping to his feet. My Mom clapped her hands over her mouth, tears in her eyes behind her glasses. My Dad pumped his fist. "All right, Rocky Apollo!" he yelled.

"It's not a big deal," I shrugged, trying to look badass. Maybe they'd think that I was your typical dude who got into fights, not the school's resident punching bag. But from their overjoyed expressions, I gathered they assumed I was getting bullied. My stomach clenched. That meant they knew the whole time and didn't care to do anything.

"I knew Rocky was a great name for him," my Dad was saying to my Mom, who was dabbing the corner of my mouth with a napkin, which stung like hell. I winced, wondering if my lip was split. Thanks, Kevin. Thanks a lot. "It made him a fighter!" my Dad went on babbling. "Guess what we're watching tonight?" he beamed proudly, dashing to the television. Beaming like a kid, he put on Rocky II. He jumped onto the couch as the intro song, Eye of the Tiger, began to play. My Mom pursed her lips. "Rocky has homework, I'm sure." Then she smiled. "But you can watch for half an hour."

"I'm actually really tired, Dad," I said, trying to keep the exasperation out of my voice. Of course, they didn't ask me if I even wanted to watch. They never did. "I think I should shower and go to bed."

"You sure?" My Dad sounded surprised. I nodded and started walking to my room.

"What about dinner, honey?" my Mom called after me.

"Not hungry!" I replied and went to the bathroom to wash up. The hot water poured over my sore, bruised body. Wobbling to my bed, I threw on my Batman onesie and turned off the light. I was just about to fall asleep when my Mom opened my door a crack and flicked on the light. "Can I come in?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks for knocking," I grumbled sarcastically, rubbing my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Just wanted to remind you about the barbecue, sweetie," she said. "Don't make any plans for Saturday." I gave her a thumbs up and turned over to sleep. "Oh, and I invited Paul and his mother, I hope that's all right."

I whirled around, suddenly wide awake. "What?" I demanded, my voice shaky.

My Mom's lips made a firm line. "You two have got to get over this little squabble. You've been friends for years, Rocky. You haven't talked since May!"

I stared at her incredulously. She was actually going to make me talk to Paul, be civil to my arch nemesis for an entire Saturday evening. "Sure whatever mom," I said thickly. "Goodnight."

"Okay!" she said, surprised to have won so easily. She had no idea how exhausted I was. "Goodnight, munchkin!" As soon as she shut the light and closed the door, I let the tears fall. I sobbed brokenly into my pillow, loathing how pathetic I sounded. The memories were creeping back, no matter how much I tried block them out. The day it all changed. The day my best friend became my mortal enemy.

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