lmao so Ryan being the stupid hipster he is decides to take an evening stroll through the sketchy part of Las Vegas and as he's whistling and snapping his fingers he doesn't hear to men sneaking up behind him, one guy shoves Ryan and the other shouts at him to hand over his money now Ryan is freaking out and flailing his arms and shouting back that he only carries $10 (lie) and that he left his credit cards at home (also a lie) suddenly another voice is shouting and a boy Ryan's age runs up and gets in a shoving match with the taller guy while the shorter guy rolls Ryan over and grabs his wallet from his back pocket. a dull crack made Ryan crane his neck around and see the boy slumped under the street lamp and the two muggers running away. Ryan jumped up and studied the boy, he was out cold but still breathing so Ryan picked him up bridal style and carried him a couple blocks to Ryan's apartment where he dumped the poor boy on the couch and propped his head up with pillows and wrapped ice in a towel and placed on the knot that was forming and the dude's head. then Ryan waited. it was an hour until the boy woke up and mumbled something about getting mugged and tried to sit up only to fall back onto the couch. "rest," Ryan said, "you got knocked out cold when you tried to stop me from getting mugged. anyway, i need to know your name, you're in my house."
"Brendon, so did they get your wallet?"
"Yes. Brendon. They did get my wallet." Ryan grumbled
"Damn, well I guess if they hadn't taken it I wouldn't get into your house so quick." Ryan choked on the coffee he was sipping and stared at Brendon. "You did this because you wanted me to take you home."
"Yeah, I saw a hot boy getting mugged and was like, Brendon. You're feeling a little lonely. Go beat up those muggers and buy the cute guy a drink." Brendon blushed.
"Can I still take you out for a drink pretty boy?" Brendon smirked. It was Ryan's turn to blush.
"Maybe tomorrow, you need to rest." Ryan smiled and got up and started to leave, but turned around. "The only reason I'm agreeing is because you'll be paying. I got my wallet stolen."
"I'm getting mugged and you tried to help but got knocked out. Oh, I also still got my wallet stolen." AU
FanfictionRyden, duh.