Chapter 1: One Phone Call

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Shortly before it happened, I was still at Lizzie's house. We were laying on he bed, watching The Vampire diaries while simultaneously scrolling through our Instagram feeds. "Oh My Gosh, look at this girl! She thinks she's all that, while she's really not." Lizzie basically shouted which scared the life out of me. "Who?" I asked. She pushed the screen of her iPhone 6 in my face to show me a picture of Hailey Woods.

"Hailey? As in Ethan Hawks Girlfriend? Well she kind of is all that." I said while laughing at my Best Friends complaints. Lizzie frowned at me and took her phone out of my face. "It's just annoying, okay? I mean, she gets the money, the bad boy, the looks, and the popularity! It's unfair, really." I rolled my eyes at her. Lizzie had always been the kind of girl that wanted to be popular and all that stuff, but I was more laid back. I was fine just staying in the shadows during my entire High School experience.

I looked at my phone again and my eyes widened. It was already 6:07?! I had promised Celeste, my big sister, that I'd be home at 6:15. "Hey Liz, I gotta go. Celeste wants me home soon." I told her and rolled off of her bed. I landed ungracefully on my stomach with a loud oomph. "Kay, Kris. See ya tomorrow?" Lizzie said while snickering slightly. I grumbled a 'yeah' before flinging my baby blue book bag over my shoulder and leaving her room. 

I stalked through the house in my black vans, and skipped don the stairs towards the large front door. I saw Liam, Lizzie's brother, grabbing his car keys and pulling over a jacket just as i reached the bottom of the stairs. "Hey." I called, and he smiled at me. "Hey." He said back. Liam Anderson, my best friends brother, was pretty hot to say the least. With his blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, he was surely one of the best-looking guys at his college. 

I mumbled a quick Bye before heading out the door and into the cool spring evening air. The sun was setting in front of me, it rays beaming right against my face. I used my hand to shield my eyes, before walking down the familiar street. I saw Liam's car wiz past me, and i smiled slightly. He had always been a reckless driver. He had never gotten into any accidents, but he still liked driving fast and making sharp turns. 

After walking for about another 3 minutes, i stopped and pulled out my phone and earplugs form my pocket. I plugged them in and started listening to my walking playlist. I looked out at the perfectly trimmed front gardens of my street, and sighed. I sighed because this life seemed so planned. Every single house seemed groomed to perfection, and nobody dared to show any imperfections. I turned into my driveway and took out my keys before swiping my feet on the front rug.

I pushed open the door and quickly closed it behind me. Then I untied my shoes and slipped off my dark blue coat. I smelt pasta with tomato sauce so while i was taking out my earplugs i yelled to my sister, "I'm home! Is that dinner cooking?" I heard a light and cheery laugh from Celeste before she answered, "Yeah! It's spaghetti with tomato sauce, Kristina!" I frowned at the use of my full name. "Celeste! You know I hate when you call me Kristina!" I rolled my eyes. "But that's exactly why i do it, Kristina!" She laughed again as i rolled my eyes once more. She was 7 years older than me, but yet she was more immature than I was.

Once the conversation with my immature sister was over, I headed upstairs to my room and immediately fell onto my bed and groaned. My back was killing me. After closing my eyes and relaxing for about 10 minutes, i finally found the strength to sit up straight and drag myself to my desk and start with my homework. I had hardly gotten halfway through my math equations when i heard Celeste call me for dinner. I jumped up form my desk, happy to get away form math homework, and sprinted downstairs into the kitchen. I helped celeste finish decking our table for two, before we sat down and started twirling our forks around the pasta.

"So, how was school today? And by that, I mean did Jacob say anything to you today? I mean, I know it's only been 2 weeks since you guys broke up, and i just wanted to know if he was being weird around you or anything." Celeste said before sticking her fork into her mouth. I sighed and set down my fork. I really didn't want to talk about my ex-boyfriend right now. Jacob Henry - The Junior who broke my heart. Actually, that was a lie. I was the one who broke up with him because i felt no spark between us even after 5 months of dating.

"He hasn't talked to me since we broke up, but he's trying to make me jealous or something. I mean, he's always trying to flirt with other girls in front of me. It's annoying to be honest. It's like he doesn't understand that I just don't feel a spark with him and that I'm not going to want him back." I told her before sighing again and picking up my fork to continue eating. Celeste nodded and took a sip of her water before speaking. "I get it. He's heartbroken you broke up with him, but he'll probably get over it soon. He's an attractive guy, I'm sure girls will be falling at his feet and he'll forget about what happened between you two." I felt a lump in my throat. What was that supposed to mean? He would just forget about me cause I'm not important? "In good way, Kris." She added quickly and i relaxed.

We finished our dinner in silence. After that, i went back upstairs and finished my homework in record time. While I was checking my Facebook though, the house phone rang. I stood up to get it, but i heard a muffled 'Hello?' from downstairs. Celeste must have gotten it. I sat back down, but hardly a few seconds after that, Celeste shouted my name. "What?!" I shouted back. "This is important, okay? Come get the phone!" She shouted shakily. I furrowed my brows in confusion. What?

Realising it probably was important, I quickly went downstairs and took the phone from a crying Celeste. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. "Kr-ris?" I heard Lizzie sob. "What? What's going on Lizzie? What happened?" I spoke now completely intrigued into why my Best Friend was crying. Lizzie never cries. Never. "It- It's Liam. H-He was in an Acc-Accident!" She sobbed, and i felt a hot tear slide down my cheek. "What Happened?" I asked softly. "He crash-crashed into a tree, a-and he was instantly dead!" She kept sobbing and soon enough i was crying along with her.

"Lizzie, I-Im so sorry..." I said barely above a whisper. Liam? Dead? He was driving his car when i last saw him, and that was probably the last time that anyone saw him... I was the last one that saw him alive. I had to go to the police and give like an interview or something, right? They should be investigating and all that! "Liz- I saw Liam before he got into his c-car... Should I g-go to th-the police?" I said trying to sound strong for her. "No, It-Its fine. The police aren't investigating...It was ju-just a fatal acc-accident" I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Should I skip school tomorrow, a-and come over to yours for the day?" i asked her. I could do that. Surely Celeste would allow it? Liam had been her friend as well, so she would probably be taking the day off of work tomorrow. "No. He would have wanted for us not to be so sad about this..." She said with in-between sniffles. 

I tried to comfort her over the phone as much as i could for another good hour, but then she said she had to go be with her family, which i understood, so we hung up. Once we did, i started bursting into tears. Liam wasn't really my friend, but i basically grew up around him and Lizzie. I curled myself into a ball on my bed and eventually cried myself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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