Step One: Who Am I?

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Let me tell you a little bit about myself. That way, I'm not just some stranger writing random stories. I mean, I could be a fifty-year-old man for all you know. Luckily, I'm not though.

But I figure that if you know just a little bit about me, it might make you more comfortable.

So hi, my name is Rachel. I'm from the United States. USA. USA. USA. WHERE WE EAT MCDONALD'S ALL DAY EVERY DAY AND SAY DUMB AMERICAN THINGS. I'm a sophomore in high school. I'm very pale and I have long blonde hair. I'm naturally really bony and skinny. I'm short, but I have really long legs so I look tall. I have hazel eyes. I'm the least-athletic person you will ever meet. But on the good side, I'm artistic. I like to paint, read, and write. I play piano, I sing, I act, but I cannot dance at all. I love musical theatre with all my heart. When I'm older, I want to travel. I want to be a teacher, or an astronomer, or a writer, or an actress, or a Princess in Disney World, or a weather girl, I seriously don't know. I'm very indecisive. VERY. People ask me my favorite book or movie and I'm like are you kidding. I can't pick favorites. Except I can say that my favorite food is chicken fingers. I love thunderstorms, homemade cookies, soup, crop tops, anything high waisted, and chocolate. I'm very involved with my church. I'm class president. I have a dog and a cat and they both hate me. My oldest sister had a baby so I'm an aunt. I work at an ice cream place. I used to cheerlead for eleven years. I was born in October. My favorite holiday is Halloween. I'm the deepest person you will ever meet. I love talking on the phone. I've only had one boyfriend my entire life. He broke my heart. My heart has been broken lots of times. I've seen many things. That's why I write. That's why I have a lot of problems I need to work out.

So that's me. I hope that gives you some insight about me. I wonder if anyone even read all of that. I'm not very interesting.

This is the part where you ask yourself: Who Am I?

Who are you? You're more than just the girl who has a loud laugh that travels through the school halls, or the boy who doesn't talk much in class.

I wrote that whole paragraph about me, but I'm just realizing that I told you things on the surface. I didn't mention that I'm extremely compassionate. I'm very loving and I try my hardest. I see the good in people. I'm emphatic. I hate failure. I hate doing something wrong. When my mom yells at me, I lose my appetite. I take my anger out in bad ways.

Who are you, under the surface?

That's the first thing you need to ask yourself. This is step one. What I want you to do is to leave a comment and tell me who you are. If you're uncomfortable with that, message me. Or just write it down for yourself to read. This may seem stupid, but it's worth it. Please do this step before you read the next chapter.

Also, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here.


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