Chapter One

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"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy."

-Jacques d'Amboise-

Chapter One:

"Dance to me is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul. The true dance is an expression of serenity; it is controlled by the profound rhythm of inner emotion." 

Emotion does not reach the moment of frenzy out of a spurt of action; it broods first, it sleeps like the life in the seed, and it unfolds with a gentle slowness.I can feel ubiquitously throughout my veins.Letting all my inner emotions unfold.It's my personal escape from the horrendous life i have to carry on.Sweat trickles down my forehead falling onto the Mahoney wooden floor,My legs have endured so much in the past hour.I can feel the waves of pain ,from the blisters that my toes have received .The blood droplets are clearly visible throughout the worn out ballet shoes. 

"Time to get new ones."I murmured,If only i could afford a pair.I lived in a broken down trailer ,with a drunk of a mother who was never home.She despised any type of affection yet it couldn't be argued ,because she's clearly never known the meaning.I brought my hazel auburn hair into a bun letting all the loose stands just fall.Putting on my broken down soft gray sweater,and got ready to leave before the actual classes began .Ms.Scott ,she was a young women, about her late thirties ,with silk charcoal hair ,and pale white features. She owned the studio let me come and practice before the classes began ,ever since she caught me red handed practicing alone in one of her class rooms.

"Dear are you joining us for dinner today?" 

She asked.I considered her my mother, she was so kind to me.We instantly clicked when we first met.

"It's fine i really don't want to be a bother you've done so much for me that i cant accept anymore."I trailed off knowing she wouldn't give up .

"You're no such thing as a hazel plus my step-sons are coming over and it would be wonderful if you could meet them."She chirped.

"I insist" She said. 

"Okay,but just for a little while."I said.

"Great!Oh geez!In need to get everything ready ."She muttered looking frustrated.She beamed me a goofy smile before she said,

"I see you later than" and headed off. 

I shouted grabbing her attention before she made it out the door and yelled,

"Thank you Ms.Scott."

"No problem Alexandra."She shouted.

Yes my name was Alexandra ,but i just went by Alex.I made my way outside were it was pouring.The clouds hovered over the empty streets.The trees were dull poorly watered in these parts of town.The only rain they received was from the mild stormy weather we got once in a blue moon.It was a small village that connected to the richer side,where i sixth-teen year old Alex was a sophomore in Bentley High school .Don't even get me started ,if you didn't wear Prada you were nada.You can see were i fit in the social ranking.It didn't matter though because all i needed was dance and that's what i had.I opened the door to the rusty trailer quickly stepping inside away from the shivering cold.

"You ungrateful child were have you been .Don't you see how worried sick i was !"She slurred making her way towards me.Grabbing my shoulder letting her claw like nails dig deep into my skin.

"Sorry mother it won't happen again ." I cried ,i could feel the blood appear and the tiny droplets fall down my arm and leave a trail of red behind.

"Stop your hurting me."I whispered.

"Is that so ?"She questioned.

"Do you know what its like to have an ungrateful bitch as a daughter?"She slurred ,her breath wreaked of liquor but I was used to it.After my father had left us 7 years ago ,she completely lost it.It was not always like this she was very affectionate and loving back then .She would always make her heavenly scrumptious blue berry muffins In the Mornings and always attend my ballet recitals.We weren't always poor after he left us we were left with nothing only the bare clothes on our backs.

"Answer me."She yelled grabbing onto my hair and pulling on it making me stumble backwards in the process.

"No wonder dad left you.So he wouldn't have to deal with such psychotic heartless bitch." I muttered.

"What did you say ?" She yelled furiously .

"Oh nothing mother."I spoke in a sarcastic tone.Letting go of my now bruised arm.Her hand connected with my cheek falling onto the cold floor with a loud thump .The tears were threating to trickle down my bruised cheek.

"Go to your room."She yelled.

"Now!"Before she had time to say another word i quickly got up walking towards my room and shutting the door locked.So she wouldn't get in.Going to the bathroom,i quickly turned on the shower.I looked closely at my  

reflection my arm was swollen the bruise started to develop a dark midnight purple kind of pigment .My cheek held a dark opaque kind of crimson red,Her hand still clearly visible across my cheek.Sitting down on the toilet set were i unwrapped my ballet shoes.My feet were anesthetized from the warm ups and the constant Pas de Bourre'e .which were small stepping movements executed on the balls of the feet or on pointe in which the you either skim smoothly across the floor or transfer the weight from foot-to-foot three times as a transition into another movement. pas-de-bourrée consisting of bending both legs, extending one, then stepping up, up, down, finishing with bent knees.The blisters were a new shade of bright red and the dry blood stains that covered them.Making my feet unrecognizable. I got in the tub were the falling the hot substance smashed against my bare skin,getting rid of all the dry blood stains,vanishing with the flowing water.After,taking a shower I wrapped the towel around my petite body ,and picked out an outfit out of the little clothes i had.Which consisted of a pair of black leggings and a white sweater with black Uggs that i had bought with my work money.I let my curls fall freely and applied the minimal make up.Grabbing my handbag i opened the door to my room quickly locking it again once i got out.Only to be disturbed with the only thing you don't want to see as a kid no matter how old you are.A random stranger had her pinned down against the kitchen counter .I let out a loud cough,That got her attention. 

"Mother I'm going out wont be back until late not like you care since your whoring with some random stranger,In the fucking kitchen were we eat.Please refrain from having sex here at least take it to the room ."I hissed. 

"Don't talk to me like that."She yelled. 

"If you want me to take you seriously maybe you should put some clothes on ?"I growled my brain was about to burst i was never eating on that STD contaminated table again. 

"Well continue Fucking ,Sorry to disturb." I said sarcastically turning around not before sending a glare at the jackass my mom was with.New stranger every night doesn't surprise me.I slammed the door with a loud bang.Stepping out the the cloudy atmosphere.


Well i would really like to know what you guys think ? 

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There's a pic of Alex on the side >>>>>>

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