that night

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dave was in his house watching terrible horror movies and fell asleep.

just as he fell asleep john knocked on the door " dave I know you're in there I here the movie" dave wakes up and goes to the door " who is it" dave asks "nic cage" john side dave just scoffs " how about you come back never then" dave side

" daaaaave let me in " john wined dave unlocked the door and opined it " can I come in " john asks.

dave raises his eyebrow " you never usually ask to come in but sure?" dave holds the door opine for john.

" it's like 2 in the morning dude why are you here " dave asked " umm my dad kicked me out" john side as he walks in and dave shuts the door"why did you'r dad kick you out "

Dave asked " i broke the sacred earn with Nana's ashes in it he got really pissed off at me and kicked me out"

john side sadly " ah I see well you can crash on the couch if you want " dave side " ya i don't think I'll be sleeping tonight but thanks " john side

"why not ?you ok? you're starting to scare me dude " dave side"well yes and no umm let's go sit down and ill explain everything ok" john side

"ok?" dave side and went and sat down john goes and sits down beside him" ok before i tell you as my boyfriend i want you to promise not to freak out or tell anyone " john side

"ok now i'm scared what did you do" dave asked "i didn't do anything but something happened to me ok so when my dad kicked me out i started to walk to your place being the only place i cud go and well i got jumped" john side a bit scared of what his boyfriend well say

" oh my god john we have to call the police!!" dave jumps up and grabs the phone " who did it did you see what they look like?"dave side

"no not exactly please don't call the cops i'm not done the guy didn't take anything well he did but nothing i can get back i think he was a vampire cus he bit me pretty dame hard i may add " john side

dave then drops the phone " he bit you ? what the fuck what if you have an sti now?! fuck we need to go to the hospital " dave side in a panic " NO dave you'r not listening i'm telling you he was a vampire" john side

" vampires don't exist john don't give me that shit " dave side " you think i'd lie to you dude come look " john side

" no i don't want to see we just need to go to the hospital please. it was probably just some crazy hobo ok" dave side john jumps up and gets in daves face

" dave i left my house at 12 got attacked and passed out with a mega pane in my neck i have all the stuff i left with dave get a good look at me " john side dave steps back a bit " please just relax ok " dave side swallowing his spit and looking at johns neck

" i don't think that it was a vampire honestly ' dave side "not what i was talking about look at face dude i know i'm pale but i'm 99% sure he was a vampire dude i don't need my glass anymore " john side

" well unless you keep the bite mark forever then i don't think it was everything i've heard about them has said the bite goes away . this could be worse then that " dave side " what could be worse" john side

"well looks like all the teeth were sharp not just the canine teeth i just really hope its not what in thinking"dave side " what are you thinking " john side " im worried its a demon " dave side " dude vampires are demons " john side " no there completely differnt a vampire would've killed you then and there a demon might've bit you to posses you or turn you into another demon" dave side

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