Prolouge- Part 1/4

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I sighed before climbing up the wall.

'How did I even get in this situation?' I asked myself.

A heist gone wrong. Of course.

I was only trying to take a meal! It was only an apple and a piece of bread, is that really so much?!

I sighed to myself again and leapt to the next building.

The police were down below me, trying to find me. But I won't let them.

I stumbled and fell. My hand caught the roof of the building and I dangled above cement.

I groaned. Today was a really bad day.

I stretched out the extra limbs on my back and lifted up into the air. The wind whistled by my ears, and I smiled contentedly.

I flew up into the air and watched as the police pointed and yelled.

My face paled as they pulled out bows. They were going to shoot me?!

I started flying away but an arrow pierced one of my wings. I screamed out in pain as it embedded itself into the feathered wing.

But was it time for the last resort? I nodded to myself. I held out my hand and disappeared into the darkness.

After all, would a dark angel and a dragon really be caught by humans?

Much less me, the dragon angel Isaac.

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