Chapter 3: Rude Awakening

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Zach POV

Beep. Beep. Beep

"Zach, are you okay! ZACH! Wake up!"

"Aaahhhh" I wake up with a startle. The hospital machines beeped monotonously, wait HOSPITAL MACHINES!?! "Where am I dad?" Zach asks groggly. "Your in the hospital because the Ford slid on an oil patch and crashed into a tree and the front of the car exploded causing you to get a concussion and me getting knocked out" Dad explained. " No Dad, we got hit by a giant centipedle and some magic boy riding a magic lion with magic ladies killed it and saved us!"

After that dad just stared at me for a while. I sat there thinking that I know that really happened, no matter what anyone says.

(Time Lapse)
(2 weeks later)

I'm sitting on the beach soaking up the sun, and I am enjoying myself free of responsibility when I hear a sonic-boom coming from further down the beach. I go down to investigate. When I got down there I saw a magnificent sight. I saw this temple looking thing overlooking the ocean. I also saw the magical "family" again! "Aha" I exclaimed! Finally, I was right! I went over to officialy introduce myself. "Hi, my name is Zach, whats yours"?

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