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A/N: This chapter is especially dedicated to the person that helped me through the hardest time in my life. A lot of the advice in this chapter is what he taught me. Stay strong, loves.

"I know you may be hurting now, but darling, it will get better. The frown on your face will turn into a smile, one day. Your tears of sadness will turn into tears of happiness, some day. You may feel like your life is falling apart, but honey, it's only the beginning. All you need is a brand new start." - K.B.

Depression is tough. It's as if no matter what you do to try and make it better, it always seems to find a way back into your life. I know. I've been there. I tried pretty much everything to be happy, but nothing seemed to help. Someone once told me not to let the depression around me put me down. They also said not to go along with it. Instead, try to find solutions to each problem. Even if these solutions don't always help you, if you try, you might just help someone else. Showing love to others could end up helping you, too. By surrounding yourself with people and things that make you happy will over time help you too. Staying strong through difficult times in your life will only make you a more powerful individual as you progress through life. Try to stay positive, it'll help you. I promise.

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