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Tomorrows the big day. Court. Yay.

We got the recommendation letter and it said that it will possibly be me moving to my dads, and my brother staying at my mothers. But, that's not certain yet, the judge has yet to decide. School's almost here though!

Also, I don't give two sh*ts what my mom says, I WILL see TWC on the weekends. I'm working on not trying to worry as much as I did before, I have to go to a chiropractor to fix a problem in my back because of all the stress at my moms. So, yeah. My Guardian told me that it's okay just to say 'Fuck you' to my mom. But not all the time.

So, your welcome for the update! If you have any questions, requests, or just want to talk: I'm available on Oovoo, Skype, Snapchat or PV! Bye!

We're not in Sanity land anymore!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt