Authors Note:
Hey guys thanks for reading well I have the day off still and i had my friend over ALL day so yeah also there is more Minnesota snow in April. So much for spring. Anyway So i had to shovel my deck which took about... 3 hours? the snow was SO heavy. anyway i will get to the story i feel like writing now. *eats orange slice* I love oranges.
"CARROTS!!!" I heard Louis yell. Oh no there was only me and Louis left. I had decided on something...
"OHH LOUIS!!" I sang. Oh what joy this would be. "WHO IS THAT!!! FATHER CARROT??" Louis asked. What a strange child....
I heard him running up the stairs. Show time!!;) I am feeling very evil at the moment.i ran to the bathroom. it only had ONE door. I hid in the corner. He knew i was there so i made sure he wouldnt hear me and couldnt see me and i crawled out and slammed the door shut and locked him in."CARROTS!!" I yelled "VICTORY IS MINE!!" I yelled. I went to the pool room to get the others and tell them I had won and we went out into the living room and lit some candles all over. We also had flashlight so we could see.
"Hey where is Carrot boy" asked Daddy Direction. aka Liam. "Oh yeah bout Louis-" I was cut off by something screaming. most likely Louis. "OOOWWW THE LIGHT!!!" He screamed mimicking his video diary. The lights came back on. Then there was more screaming "OH MY GOD MY EYES!!! GET IT AWAY!!" Louis was panicking. I had left out my tampons and perfume and a bunch of girly stuff so thats probably what. "Louis!!! Louis!!! NOO LOUIS!! DONT DIE!!!!" Harry ran to my bathroom and unlocked it. Oh how I loved Larry Stylinson.Now we had all ten people.
By now it was nine and we all had eaten dinner and we discussed with One Direction managers that they would be living with us for awhile so yippe!! Ok that was weird..
"sooo...." Niall said. I was going to be sharing a room with Niall Horan. Just Excuse me a moment. OMG OMG OMG OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE IT AAH!! ok i am back. Fangirl moment. "Well im going to bed goodnight I said yawning. Everyone agreed and we all headed to our rooms.
"Hey so that kiss today..." Niall asked oh wait what was he leading to? "Yessss" I said moving my hand gesturing for him to say more. "Well, um... Errr..." I could tell he was having trouble with this. "Did you like it?" Did I like it? NO I LOVED IT!! "Sorry I just umm... I think you are just a beautiful and funny girl and I know we only met yesterday but I like you" Niall just said he Liked me. Ummm how to respond. I just sat there like an idiot looking shocked. "I swear you have to be mistaken because i-" I was cut off by his lips meeting mine. He pulled away "Sorry I couldn;t help myself" He said "Its okay I liked it" I said Kissing him again. Was this to soon? "Courtney..." He said "Yeah" I said "Willyougooutwithme??" He said really quietly but enough to where i could hear him and i KNOW what he just said. He asked me out.
"Yes!!" I said. Wow I just met him and he already likes me. We sat there on the bed. Kissing. Our lips moving in sync. "Hey keep it PG" Harry said hearing our breathing. "Look who is talking Styles" Niall said. What was going through that boys mind? Then we drifted off to sleep.
"Courtney?? Courtney????" I heard an Irish voice calling my name. "Vasgoinon?" I asked sleepily. "Breeaaakkkffaassstt!!" He taunted. "WHAT NOW" I said i bolted up running downstairs. "Where is the food" I said "what food?" Zayn asked "CARROTS!!" Louis stated. That child and carrots i swear. He lied -.- I ran back up stairs to see an irish niall actually rolling on the floor laughing. "Heeyy" I said giving him a pouty face. "im sorry" he said kissing my cheek
I ended up just eating cereal. Oh well typical morning. "Ok lads I have an anouncement!" Niall said. Wait was he telling the group already? "That you guys had sex" Harry said That boy is so dirty minded. "Noooo...." Niall sounded confuesed. "Me and Court-" He got cut off by Izabella " ARE DATING!!!" I swear she was a mind reader. "Actually yes" He said coming over and kissing me on the lips my eyeys closed and i kissed him back. "TO MUCH!!" Zayn said. jeez Zayn dont act like a child. I pulled away and contiued eating it was offcial i was dating Niall Horan.
*Buzz* My phone buzzed i got a text from kyle.
You better watch out You dont want to know what is coming its a suprise ;)
Kyle x
Ok now i am scared...
To: Kyle
What the hell did i do? And why would I need to watch out for a whimp like you?
-Your bitch
I sent my text satisfied. I didnt realize i was crying though. "Hey babe whats wrong?" I heard Niall ask "My ex" I said "He is trying to come and do soemthing to me i dont know what." I said very confuesed.
Later on we all went to Nandos and we got a bite to eat "YYYYYYUUUUMMMMMMMM I LOVE NANDOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said I love Nandos so much.
(A/N Sorry that wasnt very detailed but oh well )
We got back and I was still a little worried from the text but niall said it was nothing to worry about so i just left it alone. Every one else went out shopping and me and niall decided to stay home so we had the flat to ourselves. "So what you want to do?" I asked. "This" He said leaning in and we were full on snogging. Where is my life going to lead up to??
Authors Note:
Hey guys this ISNT the end so look fowards to reading the next chapter im feeling a little sick right this second so i am going to go to bed and update tomorrow after seeing Scary Movie 5 with my Bestes friend Kelsey and Bella (aka sisters) so bye bye!! :)