oh my fucking gosh

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Listen to the song throughout the whole story.

Me: well I'll se-

"W-what is that?" She said pointing at thee most horrifying thing anyone could imagine.

"I-i dunno."....... I say frightened. And there layed the walking dead creatures known as zombies fiesting on dead rotting corpses like they were starving vultures.

Seems like they were coming closer and closer up to Naomi.

" Naomi no. I said.oh crap run."I said scared for her.

"Brainnssssss".Naomi groans.

" Oh no they've got you too."

She continues to groan while I run in the house to get some weapons and warn my mom.

Me: momm......

My mom: yes and why aren't you doing your chores?

Me: because these zombies outside, are trying to destroy this town and kill us....Now are you gonna let them take over or are you gonna help me kick their dead asses??

My mom: ok...lets get it😈😎

Me: I'm already ahead of ya mom

My mom: I'm ready whenever you are

As soon as we opened the door suprisingly it was OK outside like nothing happened .

Later that night

I couldn't sleep I kept getting weird feelings something wasn't right. I kept hearing groaning but every time I checked out the window it would be a plain old sceneraio.hmm......

Since I couldn't sleep I decided to go outside to get some fresh air and of course take a gun just in case.

"Oh my go-". I said pausing in the middle of my sentence as a zombie appeared in the flesh.

"Brainnssssss". The dead cold creature groaned in the night.

I just panicked out and screamed out begging for it not to eat my brains(but you know how zombies can't comprehend nor hear) while shooting at it as it was coming closer and closer.

Then all of a sudden my mom finally comes out the house and prepared surprisingly.as she throws me a fully loaded pistol she said     "you ready to kick these walking dead animals?"

"Oh I'm ready."

Continuation will be in the next chapter soon.

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