For everyones information!

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We walk hand and hand to another group of reporters, these ones all seemed to have accents, "Anastasia! Cameron! Please!" This big, muscular, Brazilian looking kid jumps for our attention, ohhhhhhh my #hearteyes he is fine.. I drag Cameron over towards him.

"Hi! I'm Lorenzo, and I am representing the Italian fans!" He says all hype, with his bomb ass accent. Why the fuck would they care about us? XDXDXD That's cool as shit but okay :D

'"Whaaaaaaaa that's so cool!" Cameron gittyes. I smile in a second notion. "Anastasia, you are looking incredibly stunning tonight," He starts to look me over with admiration "you are a true jem. Divine, to say the least, you look like an ange-"

"Yeah, doesn't she? I picked out her outfit tonight. Do you want to know the story behind it?" Cameron smiles a little too big for him to be serious.. Here it come..

"Why of course! Sí!" He says and I laugh, he gives me a sly wink and I look away awkwardly, Cameron; seeing the wink he just stares at him.

"You wanna hear the story? We were staying in New York for a week, we have a pent house up there too. And guess what?" Cameron says sarcastically with a smartass, sarcastic huge ass grin on his face, "What?" He says a little off,

"I had made love to her for the past 3 and a half hours, and she wanted chocolate after, SO I went and bought her $600 worth of chocolate and spent 14 grand on this outfit, and when I got back I made love to her for another 2 hours." He says with that sly little smirk on his face, "Cameron!" I boast slapping his arm, the reporter just stands there stunned. "In case you're not getting the point, she's my girlfriend, she knows she looks good, I know she looks good, you don't need to tell her." Cameron says strictly grabbing onto my hand.

"I was just feeding her a complime-"

"Yeah well you don't need to be disrespectful and flirt with my girlfriend right in front of my face, I saw you wink at her. She's sexy as fuck, and this ass is mine. Know your fucking place." He spits, so heated I think fire may be brewing in his body right about now. Cameron grabs me and gives me the most passionate kiss, when he pulls away it's like all of the wind is leaving my body.

"Mine." He grabs my hand and walks away. "I don't know whether I should be mad at you or proud." I say honestly. "Why would you be mad? He was flirting with you with your boyfriend literally 3 feet in front of him.?" Justifying his response.

He pulls us through crowds of celebrities interviewing and posing for frames.

"Cam stop." I say, and pull him to me. Face to face. "I don't want our personal life out on the stage for everyone to see, okay? That's between you and I. No one should know if we have sex or when or why or where, that's a thing between us. Okay?" He looks at me with the same intensity he looked at that reporter, but without the anger, "You're right.. He just made me mad. I'm sorry, we've talked about this before. I'm sorry Sia." He says, hanging his head, rubbing his temples in disappointment.

I pick his head up to look me in my eyes, his 5'10 frame in those shoes anyways, usually 5'9, looks down to my 5'6, "Don't beat yourself up. That's my job." He laughs. "It's okay." I say, he smiles and pulls me to his body for the deepest kiss any of these people have ever seen that's for sure..

We stand there, the middle of the red carpet, slowly moving our lips. Fitting together like puzzle pieces.

Applause fills this entire event, startling me I quickly pull away and seriously every person there was starring and clapping for us, I blush and hide my face in Cameron's chest, he laughs. Grabbing my hand once again he walks us to another reporter, this girl was a little bit older, like maybe 40 something, rich deep chocolate skin, she was beautiful

"I think everyone's blown away by that kiss." She says and I respond "So am I." "Awwwwwe!!!" Even other reporters awe in adorance. Cameron smiles to himself, "So Cameron! When are you gonna make the move?" She puts her freshly manicured hand on her hip. "I just did though.?" He points to the spot we just had our makout, her and I both laugh.

"Nooooo Cam, like ring time! When's that coming?" She clarifies. I look up at him, he looks at me, pecks my nose really quick, clears his throat and answers, "I don't know, when we, I don't know to be completely honest." He says, furrowing his eyebrows, looking this lady in her deep chocolate brown eyes. "It's been two years now, do you I think you guys will ever tie the knot?" She puts the microphone back in front of Cameron's face, "Oh yeah! Of course it will, we've only been dating for two years, almost three. And the part that gets me is that, she's now 18. We've been together since she was 16, and yeah it's been a good amount of time, the part that, ah... Can you explain please?" He asks me, confusing himself the longer he talks.

"Yeah." I chuckle, knowing exactly what he's trying to say. "We are without a doubt in love with each other, I love him, he loves me, no questioning that. What he's trying to say, and I feel the same way, no matter how much time, or the stance of our love, the fact remains the same that we are still way young, and getting married now would, I feel; add unnecessary stress to our relationship." Cameron raises my arm into the air, like they do to Ronda Rousey after ever fight XD "Boom!" He says, "I couldn't have said that better."

"I understand it now. So when you guys DO decide to get married am I allowed to come?" She asks goofy, we both laugh and accept her request. "Now I got that on camera. I'm really coming." She says straight faced. We all three crack up. "It's a deal." I say, "Well I do have one final question for Cameron if that's alright.?" She asks full of hope, "Yeah shoot." He says happily.

She grins ear to ear and proceeds, "You are off to San Diego tomorrow is it? And it's been said that you are starting another headquarters for Tesla in San Diego, is that true? Or too a rumor?"

Cameron takes various trips to San Diego every week, having half of this team up there in an office building running a lot of the company.

"Yeah, tomorrow I'll be going back. That is partially a rumor and partially true." He puts his hands in his pants pockets, "Explain?" She asks him to further, "Sure, um, what we have set up now is a little 1,000 sqft. office building, so all we're doing is upgrading the building to a bigger property and moving about 1/4 of our staff to that building, that side of the state." As he talks, all I do is stare at him. When he talks the way his jaw moves, it's so sharp and just wow... he's so gorgeous, just looking at him gives me the chills.

I'm too busy admiring Cameron's face that I don't know, that the interview is over "Bye Anastasia, Cameron. Thank you, will definitely be looking for that invitation." She winks, and we all laugh, she hands Cameron a business card and he slides it in his pocket, we walk to the end, there is a huge circle of red carpet, where there are mostly fans, our car is waiting for us.

We do a little bit of posing by ourselves. Sign a TON of autographs. Although Cameron is just a business owner, ya know... one of the wealthiest ones in L.A., but still a businessman, all the girls love him because I mean look at him #hearteyes All of the girls are just in love with him XD

Cameron walks his way over to me, grabbing my waist kissing my neck a number of times in a row, tickling me, I squirm out of his grasp. "We have reservations." He says, I say bye to the fans and he escorts us to the car Ashton waiting for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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