Christian "Coma" Mora x Reader

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She drummed her fingers against the edge of the sofa, sighing in irritation. For once, she had some free time and so did her beau who had recently returned from an eight month tour in [Foreign Country]. Naturally, [Name] had pumped him dry of details and fought back jealousy when she heard how many female fans had wanted pictures with him. CC knew exactly what his words had done to the [hair color] woman, but he found it humorous. At first, at least... After an hour had passed of her acting like a sullen child, he was annoyed. This wasn't how he had planned to spend his down time with [Name] at all. They were supposed to be laughing and watching [Movie Title], her fave film.


"Hm?" she didn't meet his chocolate brown eyes.

"I'm sorry that I made you jealous, okay? I didn't know that you'd react this strongly to it," he sighed.


Leaning over, CC cupped her chin gently and forced her to turn towards him. Her [color] eyes were narrowed into slits and he knew that they'd stay that way unless he did something about it, so he kissed her gingerly on the forehead and then on her nose. Without missing a beat, she kissed his lips and twined her arms around his neck. Though the kiss and embrace were short lived, they were full of promise. [Name] had eventually calmed down enough to have a civilized conversation with him, and this time it was his turn to suck information. It had been somewhere around half an hour when he finally finished grilling her. Easing into one another's arms, they just sat on the [color] [material] couch and cuddled until their stomach's did the call of the wild. Chuckling, CC went to the kitchen to grab a box of [flavor] cookies. Once he returned, he plopped next to [Name] who had apparently turned on [TV show] while she had been waiting. It was the final episode of the first season, one that she hadn't viewed yet. He knew this and decided that he should be silent so as to not interrupt her in her mini-TV-binge.

However, it was easier said than done given [Name]'s wardrobe and the lengthy time apart from each other. She probably didn't realize that her [color] bra strap was half way down her shoulder, clearly visible and not hidden beneath the cami she had donned that morning. But, it was the shorts that she was wearing that bothered CC the most. They were booty shorts, something that [Name] only wore when her jeans or capris were all in the wash or she was planning on doing dirty work. A quick glance outside the window verified that it was summer weather, but that didn't help the buldge in his lap that he tried to hide under a fluffy neon [color] pillow. It was harder for him to contain himself when she crossed her legs, her shorts pulling up just a hair or so to hint that she was either wearing a thong- something she never did- or was simply going commando.

"CC, are you okay?" she turned to face him, concerned since he was panting.

"Yep," he quickly lied.

"Is it too hot in here?" she asked, trying to deduce the reasoning behind his labored breathing.

She was hot and she was in there, so indirectly the answer would be yes.

"No," CC however replied.

"Then what's wrong, because you are clearly not okay dude," she glared, not appreciating his fib.

His response was to just shrug and then to tackle her, knocking them both over onto the hardwood floor as he kissed her passionately. Nipping at her lower lip, CC kissed his way down to her collarbone and then begun to suck on her exposed flesh before fishing a hand inside those shorts of hers. [Name] moaned as he breached the fabric barrier, tipping her head back and arching her spine as he massaged her tiny bud. Moving rather abruptly, he slid down her body and slipped off her so-called bottoms as he pulled her waist closer to himself. CC bent over, blowing on it with his warm breath. This elicited another moan from [Name], who was trying to keep quiet and enjoy the sensations that CC was providing. His tongue flicked out, running over her clit, as he moaned in the back of his throat. Soon afterwards, he had his face buried in her wet cavern and she was pulling at his hair as she screamed his name. He could tell that she was getting close, but he didn't want her to cum just yet so he withdrew his tongue and sat up just as quickly as he had been to drag her to the floor.

She nudged him with her hips, getting impatient.

Smirking, he undid his jeans and let them pool around his knees as he guided his hard-on towards Nirvana. Sliding in slowly, he let [Name] get reacquainted with his cumbersome length and girth. CC leaned down again, his arms on either side of her to keep his weight off of her as he hovered over her. Her hands were on his shoulders, her legs on either side of his, as she kissed him and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth for half a second. Half way inside her, CC gently thrusted and tested his pacing until he was completely sheathed inside her. Finding a rhythm that pleased them both, they went wild. Hands and mouths were everywhere, hair pulling and moaning egging one another one to continue with the bucking of hips. He was pounding her, hard enough to make the couch and coffee table on either side of them to shake as his pelvis collided with hers. Her nails ran down his back, leaving marks, as she once more arched herself. CC helped himself, suckling her tender breasts and kissing her neck as he guided her towards her climax.

When she came, she came hard.

He rode out her orgasms, seeking his own release and pushing her towards so much more pleasure.

When he came, he collapsed atop [Name] and sighed in exhaustion as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I love you, Christian Mora."

"I love you too, [Name] Mora," he kissed his wife, smiling lazily.

Sleep came to them then, as their sweaty bodies laid so delicately intertwined.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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