"Eve said mom yeah mom" um sit down dear she said with a sad tone. " what is is mom ? um its your father,what about him hes-he-hes dead. suddenly thoose words keep playing in my mind like a record player hes dead ,hes dead,hes dead. then time freezes,my throat hurts and tears start strolling down my face. i run out of my house faraway from home
end of dream
beep beep beep aaagh i scream then i turn my head and see its just my alarm clock. that was one of the most weirdest dream ever i really need to stop watching suspense movies. then i jump up out of bed noticeing what time it is 6:30 i only got an hour to be ready for school then i jump into the shower change into this http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=cute+outfits%5C&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=o7w14I-jFHMMjM&tbnid=k1MuhyMjVQPK9M:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffashionistatrends.com%2Fcute-casual-outfits-2012-teal-and-grey-casual%2F&ei=FclwUeHELa664APU3IDQBw&bvm=bv.45373924,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGbEkCKU158UuwVOQB3-dbG5jiIFQ&ust=1366432405917056.
then i go to the bus stop to catch the bus. ahhhh harry styles this girl says omg harry styles from one direction is on my magezine aaaaaah. oh wow shocker hes in the most famous boy band in the world why wouldnt he be in any magezine. ehh harry styles a total jerk and womanizer i mean what do girls see in him just cause hes extremely hot dosent mean hes the one. hey i have standards oh and the best part is oh yeah i got to go to there concert yaaaaaaay me not . i know what your thinking you want to slap me from across the screen i know but ugh i really dont like harry
styles you wanna know why cause there band stinks. but i still get to go to there concert i swear 2 hours of torture save me now haha any way i gotta go to bed and stop talking to my self oh no another bad dream.
sooooooooooooo howd ya like it was it great or okay