Gene the Love Doctor

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The next day at school, Tina still remained excited about her big evening. She daydreamed through math class and family consumer science class, and that says something because she loves those classes the most. That lunch, Tina grabbed a table with her two siblings, Gene and Louise, and Zeke, Jimmy Jr. and Tammy. Gene and Louise looked slightly like Tina with the rounder faces and black hair. Gene was a chubby, goofy middle school student who loved sounds and music, and Louise had a more demising personality and had medium length hair and a pink bunny-eared hat. "Hey guys," said Tina. "Hey Jimmy Jr." she added. "Hey Tina." Jimmy Jr. responded uninterested. Zeke and Tammy were to busy talking to each other to participate in the group conversation, so it was only the three siblings and Jimmy Jr.. "Oh my God," said Louise, "those two will not stop talking to each other today." "I know," replied Gene, "I predict they will be dating by the end of the day. I also pretend that Mr. Frond will catch feelings for the nurse!" Mr. Frond was the nerdy school guidance counselor that no one really liked. "Why did you say that about the nurse and Frond." Louise asked. "I don't know... I just feel like they would be a power couple!" Gene hilariously responded. The lunch bell rang and Tina was literally counting the minutes until she would get to work along side her crush. A few hours passed and the kids were in the halls getting their belongings for the last classes of the day. Gene and Louise were going near the same area of the building so they walked together. On the way there, there was a lot of gossip about Zeke and Tammy, and before they knew it, they saw them strolling down the hall way hand and hand. "Wow, you actually got it right. I would laugh if you got the Frond one right." Louise jokingly said. Just seconds later as they were passing the nurses office, they saw Frond sneakily go into the door. "Oh my God, Gene!" said Louise, "you might actually have a talent!" "Should I be offended or happy?" Gene rhetorically queried. "But your right! I will call myself the love doctor. GENE THE LOVE DOCTOR! I can see it in lights." "You have a point Gene." Louise admitted, "we can charge people to have sessions with you to predict their love life! We will make fortunes!" "Okay, but only if I can wear a lab coat. I LOVE LAB COATS!" he requested. "Uh, sure whatever. Spread the word about it. We will do it in the basement of the restaurant after school." Louise added as she walked into class. Meanwhile sitting in her desk in history, Tina still wished away the hours and was in a trance filled with Jimmy Jr. If only three o'clock would arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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