a royal wedding

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It was the first day of year ten when nickalas first started to feel feelings for an angel but the problem is that his parents will disagree. He ignored the thought of his parents and asked this angel named Zeva and this is what she said

"I will talk to you at lunch but wait for me at the back of the gym please I will have an answer then but bring your friends" she had answered to Nick's question

"yes but will you" Nick replied

"yes of corse I will other wise I would not of asked you to bring yours but they might fight so be prepared to stop a fight" Zeva had responded to Nick

"I will be" Nick replied with a hint of excitement to his voice and more of a bounce in his step as he walked away

later that day during lunch Nick and his friends walk out of the lunch room towards the gym where they will meet Zeva and her friends as they wore walking they other angels wore glaring at them when they reached the gym they walked to the back of it and saw that Zeva and her friends are alreafdy there

"Nick I've spoken to my friend's and the believe that I should answer with a yes and in my better judgement I agree and so I will date you" she had explained and answered

"oh hell yeah bout time and angel and demon got together" Nick's friend Chris yelled jumping up and down leaving everyone else to laugh at his antic's and so the group of new found friends and a new couple make their way back to the lunch room making both angels and demons gasp as to group walk in and make their way to a table in the centre as the centre tables are always empty and when the plastic girl of the demons walked up to the table

"dump the angle and date me I am much better looking then her or I tell you parents your choice" said alison in front of everyone on the table

"if you do that ill tell your parents that you spend your free time sucking the teachers off and opening your legs to them just to get good grades" Nick replied in the most sickly sweet voice so much so that his words wore like venom from a snake

"remind me not to give you an ultimatum that was some venomous words as well as the vice like damn not even we angels can get a sickly sweet voice like that" Zeva's friend Claire said in utter bewilderment

"its one of the things that I have had to learn as to be able to avoid situations like this, what on earth do think your doing standing there is there a teacher you need to fuck for a good grade" Nick said with a harsh voice that his own friends wore shocked and half of the lunch room gasped, Alison ran off crying at the harshness that came from Nick

"holy hell that was vicious even for you nick" Zeva said see Zeva had a crush on Nick since 7th grade and has always watched him from a far a noticed every little detail about him like when he is happey his wings are a bright red and when he's sad his wings are red of if he is pissed they are a deep blood red you could almost mistake it for black and if he is going through a verity of emotions the red that his wings are glow and change colours continuously

"I know but im not apologising" he said with conviction in his voice and went back to eating his food and he was making quick glances at his girlfriend and she was doing the same to him and when they caught each other glancing at each other Nick leaned in and gave a quick peck to Zeva

"shit im sorry I really don't know what-" Nick started then was cut of with Zeva kissing him back

"what the fuck is this that's absolute bullshit an angel and a demon together is just outrageous" another demon said from somewhere in the room

"agreed I hate the thought of a demon with an angel its disgusting" a random angel said from else where in the room

"someone get a teacher this is disgusting" a group of angels and demons alike yelled out together and in the back ground the group of friends heard the lunch room door slam open then closed and the whole room was dead silent and you could feel the atmosphere get thicker and thicker the more they waited you could also see Nick getting more and more pissed off so much so his wings developed a new colour and when a teacher finally walked in they saw that the other students where in danger and started clearing the room out

"Zeva, Chris, Claire, Mark, Jess come on get out of here now" that same teacher had yelled

"No we need to say for Nick" Chris called back knowing full well that he and every one else at the table is in danger

"Nick please calm down there is no need for this" Zeva said to him in a calm voice


"ok what started this" the teacher asked

"Nick and I are dating its not against the law for a demon and angel to date but everybody is making a big deal about it" Zeva stated before she started to cry because of the situation

"you are right its not against the law but its gonna take some getting used to as well you know its going to be hard but I will try my best to help defend you but there will be a big backlash about it you and Nick are just going to have to be able fight this battle to the best of your abilities" Mr Minish said to Zeva

"and well help too" Chris said with Mark, Claire and Jess nodding in agreement about the whole thing

"both you and Nick have amazing friends Zeva I don't know many angels and demons that have wanted a relationship between the two let alone two being brave enough to be in one which is amazing" Mr Minish stated as he walked out of the lunch room

"what do we do now Zeva" Mark asked

"I don't know ive never seen nick this angry before" she had responded with a some tears still rolling down her cheek

"do we look for him or leave him be" Jess asked

meanwhile nick is flying around trying to let of some steam as he is doing so he threw is arm in front of him and let out a burst of energy which did nothing to help but he does it a few more times and gives up trying to relieve is anger and continues to fly around

"Nick wait up" Zver calls out Nick pulls up to a halt and just sort of glides there

"I'm sorry I lost it earlier" he said to Zeva

"its ok I understand why, its a ridiculous situation im so happy to be with you and lets get going and show the rest of the school what a fantastic type of couple we can be and what they should aspire to be able to do" she responded with a small smile on he face

"yeah your right lets do this and be an amazing couple the best that there has ever been" he replied with that being said both Nick and zeva flew back to the school to start the proper merging of the to cultures for both Nick and zeva are the key to do so as on a prince the other a princess

"Nick before we get back to school my parents or the king and queen of angels" Zeva had said

"I know as my parents are the king and queen of demons" he had replied back

"will our parents approve of this" the young girl asked

"yes of course as it will be the final step in merging the two kingdoms they be stupid to not approve of us being together" Nick said

"well tough luck Nick cause I do not" Nicks father said

"Oh come now honey isn't this what you wanted for one of our kids to marry into the other kingdom so that way both are merged as not just friends but family as well" his mother said in a gentile voice

"yes one of meaning not Nick I have someone else planed for him" King Coyote said

"but none of our other boys or our daughter is interested in anyone from the other royal family" queen Coyote responded with

"your right I will accept so long as her parents except" he said

"that we do accept and the wedding shall be this weekend are we agreed" king moon said

"oh yes how exciting" princess coyote said in excitement for she had wished to see one of her brothers marry before she died she had seen her future and she would not survive past the end of the month she is yet to tell her family that she is going to die for how do you tell your family that you will be leaving them in such a short time she wishes to stay but she can not for the balance of the realms will fall so she must go much to the displeasure of her family and friends the poor girl will be missed but no one will miss her more then her youngest brother Nick they have spent a lot of time together since they wore younger and if it wasn't for her Nick would never have asked Zeva out

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