Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Anonymous P.O.V

After they were sure that Peter was out of ear shot, Danny and Ava burst out laughing. That had ben hilarious how Peter had just stared at them in awe. "That was really funny, I can only imagine what he must be thinking right now...." Ava said between laughs. Danny nodded and once he'd gotten his laughter under control grinned. "He should calm down after Miss Web explains it all to him..."

"Only Sam and Luke are left now," he said. Ava nodded. "I can't wait to get it over with, the sooner they go through with it the sooner we can compare notes and get this whole thing over with..." They started walking. "So what do you think he saw?" Danny asked. Ava shrugged. "Could've been anything, but I'm guessing we came pretty close, especially with MJ." She grinned. "Think he got my double meaning?" she asked. "Yeah is think so..." Danny answered, there was a silence. Not awkward. Just a comfortable silence.

"You know I honestly feel sorry for him." Danny said thoughtfully, thinking back to his own experience. It had been extremely weird hanging around Peter not to mention Sam. And Luke... "Yeah, wonder what he saw..." Danny shrugged. "We'll find out soon enough I suppose..."


"Peeeter...." Peter groaned and buried his head further into his pillow, deciding to ignore whatever noise he had just imagined. "Peeeteerr..." there it was again. He still refused to wake up though, because one. He wanted to sleep. Two. It was due to the sheer stupidity of those kids in horror movies, who woke up and wandered around in the middle of the night after hearing their name being called by some ghostly voice that got them killed!

"PETER!!!" the voice snapped, void of any and all ghostliness. Peter jolted out of bed and fell on the floor. He looked around frantically. Standing in front of him, hands on her hips was a girl with black hair tied into long black pigtails. She was wearing gothic black and red outfit, the skirts ends looked like a spider web, and her top had spider web designs in blood red and she was wearing web pattered gloves. "Ahh...wh...Who are you?" Peter asked scrambling to his feet. How the hell was there a weird girl in his bedroom?

She rolled her eyes as if the answer was obvious. "The ghost of Christmas future..." she said sarcastically. He just stared blankly at her. She sighed heavily. "I'm Miss Web, Madame webs my grandma," she said quoting her fingers at grandma. "Anyway.....I'm here to talk to you about your whole alternate future timeline experience," she said plopping down on his bed, and then crossing her legs. Alternate- what did she have to do with it?

"Anyway thing is," she said cutting into his thoughts. "The reason fate sent you to that universe is because-" "Woah, wah woah!" Peter waved his hands cutting her off. "Fate is a person?" she rolled her eyes. "No stupid, it used to be..., but then it transcended into a cosmic force, which controls everything. Everything happens for a reason. Anyway, getting back to the point. There are a whole load of dimensions okay? Not alternate universes, there are loads of those for each dimension, get the drift? Anyway, because of some mess up in the time line in the secondary main time stream in the Star trek dimension, the series of events in their neighboring dimension were disrupted. So in this case, your dimension, the goblin found a way to go to alternate universes. So the thing is, now, specific peoples futures have been changed from what they were supposed to be. Somehow I have to make sure that all of those people get to go see what their future should have been. Problem is, I need a future to send them to, and those were pretty much destroyed so I had to send each of them to an alternate universe that would hold some significance. Maybe not to you, but to a friend even....anyway, you, Sam, Ava, Luke and Danny were some of the people whose futures were changed, so I sent you to as close a match to your future as I could. I sent Danny and Ava not long before you. Now as I said earlier, I sent you to as close a matching universe that held some significance, but perhaps not only to you? Yes. Well, after Luke and Sam take the trip all of you have to compare notes, but be careful. Do not tell someone what their future is. Just the futures of the other." She got up, and Peter fell onto his bed, his brain trying to process what she'd just said.

"Anyway, I won't give you any further instruction for now, just do what I've told you so far okay? And wait till everyone's been to another universe. I'll be back later....right now I've gotta go sort something's out in the Lord of the rings dimension...." And with that, and a wave of her hand, a swirling pink portal appeared behind her and she did a backflip in and disappeared. The portal closed, leaving Peter gaping with just one question on his mind...

What the hell had just happened!?


"Hey Guys!!" I yelled rushing down the hallway. Danny, Sam and Ava looked towards me as I stopped in front of them. The awkwardness of being around my friends had either subsided or increased, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I needed some

"Hey can I talk to the two of you for a sec?" I asked Danny and Ava coolly. They looked at each other, seemingly having a good idea about what it is I wanted to talk about.

"Oohhhh" Sam said coming in-between us. "Gonna face off Danny for Ava huh Parker?" he cooed. All three of us just stared at him blankly for a few seconds before bursting out....


Face off Danny for Ava? God I know I'm swearing a lot lately but where the F***k did bucket head get that idea!? Sam laughed at our totally horrified expressions, which were probably doubled considering we knew our own possible questions. Then a thought occurred to me. Wait, then did that mean that they knew about their futures? About Sheara and about how they died? It seemed a bit unlikely...but then again maybe not...

"Oh c'mon Parker, everyone knows you have a thing for Ava..." Sam teased, earning a rather hard shove from Ava and a surprising death glare from Danny. He continued anyway. "Well sorry to burst your bubble Parker but Danny's beat you to it..." This earned him yet another punch from the white tiger, cheeks red with a furious blush, Danny's face just remained emphasive. "Oh shut up Sam, Peter does not have a crush on me...Believe me..." she said. Danny and I nodded in agreement. Sam held his hands up in surrender. "Ok, if you say if you'll excuse me..." with that he slipped away. And the three of us were left in an awkward silence. "I'm assuming that Miss Web came to see you..."Danny said breaking the silence. I nodded. "She seemed a in the head though....." I said. "So ahh...when did you guys go to an alternate timeline?" I asked, curious to find out. "All in good time Peter," we all jumped and spun around to see Miss Web, dressed in slightly dialed down clothing leaning against a locker.

"I just came to say that I just sent Sam on his journey, after that I'll have to do Luke after that...." she said, she paused, a small blush tinging her cheeks as she realized how bad that sounded. "Send him to another universe I mean...ahh...uhem...I already have a boyfriend..." The three of them looked at each other, a bit taken back by how she sounded like a normal teenager for those few seconds. "What are you doing here?" Ava asked. "Oh just observing, and...Making sure that you keep your mouths shut till the time is right..." she said the last part warningly her purple pink eyes narrowing. "Chou" she said with a wink and then disappeared.

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