A bubbly vampire

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Chapter 1:

'Marcelines POV'

I was out for the night, floating around the candy kingdom again. Wow I've gotten so lonely that I'm in the candy kingdom. I stopped on the street and sat down. I sighed but was soon startled by the sound of someone coming. I jumped and flew behind a bin. It was princess bubblegum. What was she doing out so late? I watched from behind the bin when I noticed she started to cry. I contemplated showing myself until I quietly floated out from behind the bin. She noticed me and stared as I floated over. "What's up bonnibel?" I asked kinda quietly. "Oh Marceline what are you doing in the candy kingdom?" She asked while wiping away tears. I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy staring at her. She looked so cute in her pink track pants, bunny slippers, pink hoodie and scruffy tied up hair.

"Marceline?" I shot my head up to her eyes. "Yeah?" "What were you looking at?" She asked, cocking her head to the side a little. "Uh...nothing. It was nothing. Why are you crying and why are you out here in this weather?" I asked. I noticed that it was like 2 degrees as she was shaking. I don't feel the cold. I'm naturally cold. Being dead and all. "Marcie...I..." She busted out into a fit of tears. I felt something I haven't felt before. It felt like....sadness. This feeling had to go! I didn't like it. I floated over to her and picked her up. Prince style. She gasped "wh....what are you doing?!" I didn't answer as i flew up high into the sky. I flew until I saw her castle. "No! I'm not going home Marcie put me down!" She yelled and started to squirm. "Stop squirming!" I yelled but my hands slipped. She went flying down. I panicked and flew after her. I caught her just before she hit the ground.

I floated for a bit, catching my breathe. "Why don't you wanna go home?" I asked. " I just don't want to!" She cried. I had an idea. I shot up into the sky with her in my hands. I flew out of the candy kingdom "where are we going" "close your eyes bonnibel" I said quietly as a flew faster towards the cave I lived in. Dirt and stuff flies into your eyes when you fly this fast. She did as I said and closed her eyes. She was tired and it was clear to see. I flew into the cave and threw my door, kicking it closed behind me.

'Bubblegums POV'

"You can open your eyes now Bonnibel" Marceline said so nicely. It was odd that she was being so nice to me. I thought she despised me. I opened my eyes to find myself in Marceline's living room. It was cold in here. She sat me down and floated upstairs. It smelt so nice in here. Like her. I can admit she smells amazing. Like roses. Her house was small. It was something I wasn't used to. I kinda liked it. It was different but cozy.

Marceline flew down from upstairs with a big red blanket in hand. She put it around me. She must have noticed I was cold. "Marcie why..." She cut me off "you didn't want to go to your home so we went to mine" I put my head down but not in sadness. Sort of shyness. "Marcie I thought you hated me? Why are you being so nice?" She looked at me. "I never hated you? And well....I'm lonely I suppose." She shrugged it off like it was nothing. I decided to be nice back and put my troubles aside. I lifted up and arm with the blanket on it. "Come here Marcie!" I smiled. She looked at me funny but smiled and sat next to me. We sat there talking and laughing for a bit, cuddled together under the blanket on her couch. "It's hot under this blanket" I said as I started to remove it "take it off" Marcie asked "nothing underneathe" I said shyly. Marceline smiled and shot upstairs. She came down with a black shirt. "Put this on. I won't look" she handed me the shirt and looked away. I quickly changed into it. "Marcie this shirt it awesome!" I smiled. "I'm glad you like it" I cuddled back under the blanket with her.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked. "Sure!" I replied happily. "I'll set up the DVD. You look uncomfortable in those. Go get your pajamas on. Make this a sleep over." I smiled. She laughed "sure thing Bonnibel" she flew upstairs to her room. I crawled from the couch to the tv. I sat down and looked for a movie. I pulled it out and put it in the player. I switched it on a crawled back to the couch and cuddled up into the blanket. Marceline flew down and I pulled her into the blanket with me. I pressed play. "I love this movie! The blind love is amazing!" She smiled. "Really? It's my favorite movie!" I replied. We laughed and cuddled together and started watching.

Halfway thought the movie we managed to move around so my head was on Marcelines chest with her arm around me. We both had our legs up on the couch close to us under the blanket. The blanket smelt new like it had never been touched. She floats when she sleeps so of coarse it hasn't been touched. I looked up at her and smiled. She was beautiful and she was being so nice. I loved it. She cared too. I have never been treated like this before.

I felt my cheeks go red and I looked back at the tv. What was going on? Did I...like...marceline?. I couldn't. She's a vampire that lives in an old shack and I was a princess made of bubblegum that lived in a kingdom. Oh glob I think I'm falling for her!

[💜i got a recent addiction to this ship from a song I found. The full version of Marceline's I'm just your problem. A song directed at bubblegum. It was rumored to be a relationship song. Tell me if you want me to update guys! I really want to know! I love writing this!💜]

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