Chapter 2: Reel her in

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After several weeks of working out side by side with her my desire to have her was growing uncomfortable. I decided that i needed to move this relationship forward. On a friday after one of our workouts i asked a question that i'd been dying to ask. "Are you going to Prom Bekka?" She told me she wasn't sure. "I haven't been asked." She stated. My jaw must have hit the floor. I couldn't believe my luck. "Would you b willing to go with me?" I finally asked. "Are u asking me out?" Rebekka asked. I told her i was and was suprised when she said she would love to accompany me to the Prom as my date. From then on it seemed like we were always with each other. A couple weeks later I was picking her up in a jet black 1997 Camaro that i rented specifically for Prom night. Throughout Prom we did a little dancing but mostly we just talked. We decided to leave a little early and go someplace more private. It was there that i spotted the opportunity to make my ultimate play.

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