Shinomiya Kojiro x Reader || Snuggle Bug || Drabble

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"Kojiro, I'm bored~" you whined out one rainy evening. It was cold and you were taking comfort in one of the fluffy blankets, using it as some sort of cocoon. You rolled over the bed lazily, tangling yourself all over the bed sheets as you did so. 

Kojiro flipped another page of the book he was reading and let out an annoyed sigh. "Then go do something." he grunted.

You tossed and turned on the bed. "But I don't know what~" you continued to whine.

"You could shut up, for one." he remarked stoically and you stuck your tongue out at him childishly.

"Hmph, you're so stingy. I don't like you anymore." you huffed, turning your head to the side. You took a peek at him from the corner of your eye, but he hadn't moved an inch, still absorbed in what he's reading.

You glared at him and started shaking the bed. "Stop ignoring me, dammit!"

"I'll do so when you stop being childish." he idly turned another page and ignored you yet again.

You frowned and let out a defeated sigh. You gave up. Nothing you do would ever make him stop reading and pay attention to you. You glared daggers at the book, blaming it for your current predicament. 

A strong gust of wind rushed in the open windows and you let out a shiver. You snuggled yourself deeper in the blankets but you still felt cold. 

Chancing a small glance at Kojiro, you bit your lower lip nervously and scooted closer to him. You hesitantly leaned your head on his shoulder and you felt him tense a little before relaxing. You let out a satisfied sigh, comforted by his warm presence beside you. The rain continued to pour down, and the sound of it made you feel drowsy. You fought down the urge to sleep, but you felt your eyes droop shut and you succumbed to slumber.

Kojiro shut the book he was reading when he noticed that you fell asleep on him. He let out a sigh and looked at you softly. "There's a bed available and you use me as a pillow. Then you'll blame me when you have neck cramps. Idiot.."

He gently lifted your head from his shoulder, careful not to wake you up. He grabbed a bunch of pillows, placed it under your head and lay you there. You frowned in your sleep, hands reaching out for that comfortable warmth, but found none. You whimpered.

Kojiro let out a small snort at this and took his glasses off. He turned off the bedside lamp and laid down beside you. He grabbed your freezing hands in his and you automatically shifted closer, snuggling into his body. You breathed in his familiar scent and you sighed blissfully.

Kojiro shook his head fondly. "Such a snuggle bug."





It was 3 in the morning. And your body was shivering.

You rolled over the bed, searching for the warmth that left you in the middle of the night. Your roaming hands finally found Kojiro and you smiled in your sleep , fully turning over to embrace him--


There was a groan from below and you got up in a rush, staring at the spot beside you to see that no one was there. 

Wait.. where was Kojiro..?

"Dammit, [Name]!" Kojiro got up from his position on the floor and glared daggers at you. 

You flushed and attempted a sheepish smile. "Oops..? Hehe, sorry." 

He let out an annoyed sigh and climbed up the bed again. You pouted as he distanced himself away from you. "You know.. if you sleep near the edge of the bed, I might just accidentally push you off the bed again." You grinned slyly as he turned over and faced you with a frown.

He scoffed and moved towards the middle, with you happily sliding down right next to him. You wrapped your arms around him and smirked in triumph. He rolled his eyes. "I'm going to punish you tomorrow, you brat."

You felt yourself smiling wider.

Heh. You were definitely looking forward to it.


~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~

(heh.heh. What punishment is that, Shinomiya-sama? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) /plak'd)

Short fluff for you guys~ ^ w ^ Especially for those who requested this Tsun. :'D

Next chapter would most probably be a Takumi x Reader x Soma fic.

Until next time! 

All characters belong to the makers of Shokugeki no Soma.
You belong to Kojiro though. c:

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