Chapter 2: Crimescene

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...New York..

"So what brings me for this crime scene?" Castle asks, his head turned towards Esposito holding a coffee cup.

"You need to see it for yourself," Esposito said. "'We had a burgulery last night at a mall. A guy demanded what year and day it was after being chased down the alley by a officer Wellings. He stole some boxers, shoes, socks--"

"'And a trench coat," Castle said.

Esposito shook his head.

"No," Esposito said. "He didn't have the time."

Castle is surprised.

"Why?" Castle asks.

"He was being chased by someone other than a officer," Esposito said. Castle raises his brows. "She reminds me of the robot chick from Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines."

"The Terminatrix," Castle said, walking down the alley with Esposito. Castle lowers his eyebrows. "Eeriely like the beginning of Terminator except a different model."

"She probably was a bounty hunter," Esposito said. "At least that's what Ryan is guessing."

The two come to the crime scene.

"Hello, Lanie," Castle said.

"Ah,hello Castle," Lanie said, with a small smile. "How's Beckett with her Senator duties?"

"Fine," Castle said. "But I can't seem to understand why I've been called."

Lanie uncovers a trash can lid that read 'Castle' in blood.

"Huh?" Castle said. "Why is my name on there?"

"Thought you had answers for that," Lanie said, uncovering the dead body.

Castle clasps his hand over his mouth recognizing Hemmington.

"Oh my..." Castle said.

"Who is it?" Esposito asks.

"Marcus Hemmington," Castle said, taking his hand off his mouth.

"This Marcus doesn't have any form of records," Ryan said.

"That is because he is from the future," Castle said.

There is a eerie silence between the four.

"Really?" Esposito asks.

"Yes," Castle said. "I am being serious."

"Judging by rigermortus he died a couple hours ago," Lanie said. "Maybe being from the future explains tattoo's on his forearm."

Castle nods.

"He once worked moving the orderly," Castle said. "Until The Resistance got him out."

"So this guy was not only murdered," Esposito said. "He was terminated?"

"Apparently," Castle said.

"He left a letter for you," Lanie said, picking up the can.

There is a crumbled letter meticilously wrapped around the shape of a thumb drive. There is little bloodly letters seen to the human eye reading 'Dear Castle'. Castle takes out his spare rubber gloves that he keeps in hand for his writing research on serious novels. He uncrumbles the letter revealing a gray thumb drive.

The letter read:

Dear Castle,

Please plug in the thumb drive to your computer. Urgent.


Marcus H.

"He is dead because of me," Castle said, slipping the thumb drive into the sleeve of his coat.

"Maybe whoever killed him had a different reason entirely," Ryan suggests. "If you know anything that can hel--"

"I know," Castle said, turning away. "I'll leave a call."

"Tell Beckett I said Hi!" Ryan shouts.

"I will," Castle said.

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