Take Care of Me

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With a yawn you walk away from the quiet blonde boy. You're not sure why you're always with him in the first place. Ace meet you when you were sneaking into the stables to feed one of the chocobos. He caught you actually holding a conversation with one and it was the most embarrassing moment of your life. He called you childish and rolled his eyes. Other then that he didn't say much. After that he just smiled softly and walked by. That's when you first started to like him but since that day, he's never left your side. It only made your affection grow more.
Even now, we're headed towards a simple battle together. Instead of accompany a party of three he brushed the others aside and asked to go with just you, alone. You can't figure Ace out but you still like him, he's just so pretty...
With a sigh Ace sits down at a tree and silence fills the air. You look down at him admiring his blonde hair and sharp eyes. With a small blush you look down at the stream and kneel down for a drink. Once again you look up at Ace. Without any second thought you swipe your hand across the water's surface splashing him.
"What is wrong with you?" He says softly as he looks down, his hair dripping wet.
"You're boring..." You say with a sigh.
Ace rolls his eyes but secretly smiles softly at you like he always does, "You're childish."
"You're boring and I can't stand it!" You retort with spite. "I don't understand why you always want me to go with you for battles. It's not like I'm the strongest or like we're the closest friends... Why me, Ace? Huh? Why me?"
"Are you really that oblivious?" He asks tilting his head to the side. "You can't figure it out on your own? I have to actually say it to you?"
You look down at the stream again, "Whatever. Never mind, just drop it."
You were staring at the water when suddenly a large foot stomped in front of you.
"Ace!" You say flinching back.
He runs past you with his cards and starts attacking the strange creature that seemed to come from nowhere. You feel your heart race as you pull out your simple magic gun. Unlike Ace, you're an amateur. You're so new to battle even though Ace always takes you with him for missions you still have little skill. With a sigh you try to calm yourself down before you pull the trigger over and over again as you run. Ace was keeping the creature distracted so all you had to do was give it one good blow.
The creature suddenly turns around and narrows its eyes at you. You lift up your gun and take aim. Before you could pull the trigger the creature flips your gun out of your hands with its tail. You take a step back in disbelief. How...
"Ace!" You say panicked.
The blonde looks at you worried as he tries to run to your side. Just as he was about to reach you the creature once again uses its tail to flick you aside. Your body is thrown to the ground. Pain shoots through you and then the end of your vision gets fuzzy.
"(Y/n)!" Ace shouts.
You smile softly as the boy leans over you. That was the first time he's ever called you by name... Ace looks at you then back at the creature. The last thing you remember was Ace's eyes flashing with anger, slowly pulling himself to his feet, and a howl of pain from what once was the creature.

"Ace!" You gasp as you shot to a sitting position in bed.
You feel a hand press down on your shoulder so you lay back down. When you look up you see Ace sitting on the side of your bed. For a moment you actually believed it was a dream that was until you see the various scrapes and bruises on your friend's soft skin.
"Ace?" You say softly.
"I'm sorry," he says avoiding my eye contact. "I... I always thought that as long as I had you by my side I could protect you. But I was wrong... I'm not strong enough to take care of the person I love most in the world no matter how hard I try. I'm so sorry."
You look at him shock, "Ace... Wha-What did you just say?!"
The blonde looks up at you. He tilts his head to the side and his hair gently moves in front of his eyes. A soft laugh leaves his lips.
"You really had no idea, did you?" He says leaning towards you. "I said I love you."
You feel tears come to your eyes, "You... You do?"
"Of course I do," Ace says softly then sighs. "I'm sorry you got hurt (y/n)... I'm so sorry I wasn't able to protect you."
"I don't care about that!" You say quickly and throw your arms around his neck. "Just don't ever leave my side again..."
"(Y/n)?" He says softly as his arms stay at his side.
"I love you too," you say softly in his ear. "Now just take care of me... Like you should."
Ace feels a blush come to his cheeks. Take care of you? Of course he's had those thoughts before but... But is that really what you want?
"Ace don't get all quiet on me again..." You say with a sigh as you break the hug.
Ace quickly leans in and presses his lips to yours. You look at him shocked as he gently kisses you. With a soft sigh you close your eyes and kiss back. This is actually happening. Ace really does love you.
You feel Ace's hand move down to the waistline of your pants. He skillfully moves his finger around and unbuttons them.
You flinch away, "Ace, what are you doing?"
"Taking care of you," he says in his cool voice that only made you melt.
Ace grabs the hem of your shirt and swiftly throws it over your head. You cross your arms over your chest and avoid eye contact. Ace smiles softly before gently grabbing your wrist. As he slowly forces your arms away you didn't fight him. He leans in and kisses the nape of your neck. You blush softly as he does it again and again... Ace reaches behind you and unsnaps your bra. Your cheeks turn pink but at the same time a sigh of relief escapes your lips. The blonde boy's hands gently touch your chest and you gasp softly. He gently touches them before kissing you lightly on the lips. Ace pulls away slightly and looks down at you.
"Ace..." You say worried.
"You're so beautiful," he says pulling away and kneeling down in front of your bed. "I've thought about doing this so many times."
You hold your hand under your lips feeling nervous. This thought has passed through your mind a couple times too but you never thought it would really happen. Ace grabs the waistline of your pants and curls his fingers around so he has a grip on your underwear too. With one firm tug he pulls the rest of your clothes off. You feel your heart race as Ace places his hands on your thighs. He slowly opens your legs and looks between your legs with lust filled eyes.
"Ace," you say nervously. "I... I'm not so sure..."
Ace looks up at you for a moment, "I'll take care of you in every way I can. No matter what, I'll make you happy."
You look down at Ace in disbelief. You've always wanted to hear those words. He gently moves his hand up and runs his finger over your core. He felt so warm. A soft gasp leaves your lips as he then slowly inserts a finger. Ace looks up at your blushing face as he slowly inserts a second finger. He moves them in and out at a painfully slow pace that had you panting. Ace smiles softly and suddenly curls his fingers. You arch your back with a moan. Ace couldn't stand waiting another moment. He wants you. Ace wants to be inside you.
As he continues to work his fingers within you Ace peels off his clothes. He kicks off his shoes and uses his free hand to unbuckle his pants. His pants fall with a soft thud, noticing what he's doing you sit up. Ace takes out his fingers and stands up slowly. He gives you a small glance before peeling his shirt off. Ace blushes lightly as you stare at him wearing only boxers.
"(Y/n)?" Ace says nervously.
You smile softly and place your hands on his chest, "You're so pretty."
Ace laughs and pulls you closer to him, "That's not something a guy wants to hear."
You blush deeply as you move to his ear, "Take me..."
Ace nods his head and frees his growing manhood, "Now that's something only I'm allowed to hear from you."
You nod your head and throw your arms around his neck, "Of course. You and only you, Ace."
Ace kissed you deeply and presses your back into the bed. As he kisses you he aims himself at your entrance. He wants to thrust in without hesitation or remorse but he knew better.
"(Y/n)..." He says softly.
You sigh and look up at him, "Come on Ace... Just do it. Stop being so boring and show me how much you love me."
Now it's Ace's turn to look at you in disbelief. That is so something you would say... He smiles as he slowly thrust into you. That's one of the things he loves about you, you're spiteful in just the cutest way. You bite your bottom lip in pain as Ace continues to push into you. Before you could stop yourself a few tears spill from your eyes. Once Ace as completely entered you he stops to let you adjust. He looks up at your teary face. You look up at him and nod your head. Ace leans over you and gently kisses each tear away. You sigh softly.
"I love you so much Ace," you say softly.
Ace nods his head and slowly thrust in and out, "I love you too..."
You feel the pain slowly ease away. Another sigh escapes your lips then a moan. Ace smiles because now he knows. He knows that he can really make you feel good. His thrust were slow but deep. Before long it made you a panting mess who was curling her toes and letting out long soft moans. You hear Ace grunt and slightly quicken his pace. Ace grabs your hips and quickens his rhythm. He suddenly hits a spot that made you squirm from under him.
"Ace I'm... I'm almost there," you say breathlessly.
Ace nods his head and quickens his pace a little more, "I am too..."
A final grunt from Ace and one strong thrust that gently grazed your spot was all it took for both of you to climax together. Ace stood there for a moment taking in the sight below him.
"You're so beautiful (y/n)," Ace says breathlessly as he pulls out of you. "I've always thought so."
You sigh softly and throw your arm over your eyes, "I love you so much Ace..."
Ace smiles and adjust you in the bed. He climbs in next to you and rest your head on his chest as his arms go protectively around you.
"I love you more," Ace says softly as he kisses the top of your head. "I promise, I'll never let you get hurt again."
You sigh softly, "I don't care if I get hurt. Just as long as you're at my side before and after... Ace?"
"Yes?" He says softly.
"Will you take care of me again?" You say feeling your cheeks burn.
Ace smiles softly and runs his hand down your side, "I'll take care of over and over again until you can't stand it anymore."
You laugh and shake your head, "I would have never guessed you were a pervert who could give me such pleasure..."
Ace rolls over so he now hovers on top of you. He smiles softly and leans in to kiss you.
Ace lightly grazes his lips over yours, "At least I'm not boring anymore..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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