Chapter 4

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hello everyone! :) I'm a terrible person who occasionally forgets to update, please forgive me.

There's some narry action in this little chapter ;) ayeee *the next chapter is already written but i want to give people a chance to read it so i'll update again once i get at least 10 comments.

Thank you, enjoy reading x

Ages: Harry - 13, Niall - 11 


"Mum when's Aunty Maura bringing Niall over?" I stood in the kitchen waiting impatiently for Niall to arrive. A lot of people from school were surprised that I was friends with an 11 year old but Niall was still my best friend and I had known him for basically all of my life, I would never desert him. The past few weeks I had been pulling myself away from him, I felt bad I but I hated the way people spoke about it and quite honestly I was weak.

"Harry just go wait in your room, I'll send Niall up when he gets here, shall I order pizza for dinner so long?" I sighed but agreed and made my way up the stairs. "Fine, and yeah" I called down. I was lying on my bed, waiting and staring at the door, and listening with great care for the sound of footsteps.

I was startled by the sound of a slamming door, which awoke me from my nap. I looked up and saw Niall standing by the door with a bag slung over his shoulder barely making eye contact with me. Was he okay? "Niall, I'm so glad you're here, I was waiting for you!" I exclaimed getting up. He simply rolled his eyes and still refused to look at me. "Niall what's wrong, have I done something? What's the problem?" I couldn't believe he was acting so sour towards me.

"You're the problem Harry, you ignore me, your best friend last I checked and expect me to be okay with it? Honestly." Niall finally lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes were a deep red colour with tears glistening in them and I could tell that he'd been crying, and was on the verge of crying again.

"Niall, I'm so sorry, it's just that school has –" I tried to explain before Niall interrupted me. "No Harry, you act as If I don't have school either and other friends too, but I have never once been ashamed of you, I never put you second or treat you badly, but the minute you start high school its okay for you to do that to me?"

I couldn't take anymore; I had to make him understand that it was me, not him. I did the unthinkable and leaned forward, grabbed Niall but the hips and brought his lips to mine, effectively silencing him. I felt him tense slightly under my touch but he didn't pull away. My lips were tingling and I had butterflies practically dancing in my stomach. I don't know why I kissed him; it was kind of like instinct I guess.

When I moved away from him I looked down at him, trying to figure out if what I had done had stepped over the line or not. "Niall..." I started of softly. "I'm so sorry for treating you like that, you deserve so much better and I promise that I'll try and be a good friend to you, I'm sorry Niall, I love you."

I kept looking at him, hoping to get a reaction. After a few minutes I started feeling uneasy, wondering if he was okay when he suddenly leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me giving a big hug and holding me tightly. "I forgive you Harry, love you too." I nearly cried out in happiness! "Okay great now lets eat and hang out, I've missed you," he said letting go and flashing me a huge crooked smile.

Later we were cuddled up on my small bed, refusing for either one of us to sleep on the floor, we'd rather be uncomfortable than separated. "That was my first kiss you know." Niall said. I could practically hear him blushing. "Mine too." It was true, I had never kissed anybody before Niall and it was absolutely perfect. "Thanks for my first kiss Niall, I'm glad it was you."


Hope you liked this chapter, let me know what you think,thank you for the comments! i absolutely love reading them.

side note: This fandom is filled with drama omg Louis and his baby drama, Zayn and his breakup and then drag me down. shit i can't keep up! how are you you guys taking this?


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