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"Move in at my count".

You probably wondering were I've been. Or maybe not....

But since we have time I'll tell you.

After we found Jet, work didn't stop for me. I flew back out Canada to do some work for the investigation.

It was tiring having to fly back a and forth. Because before I got into the situation with finding Jet, I had just finished this 10 part homicide. It was emotionally draining to see all those dead body's. It was hard for me to just jump back into work after witnessing that. Flash forward to after the rescue. I got put on assignment to do undercover work to find one of Americas most wanted. I took down Ester Grayton. He had mass killed hundreds of men and woman in Chicago and was even partners with Cryrus Faren for a while. I took him down but I wasn't that simple.

After arresting him, we still had to shit down his drug trade. One of his members shot me in the head and spine.

The place were he spot me controls the ability for you to have control over your reflexes. Like catching yourself when you fall or blocking yourself when someone throws something at you. When he shot me in the back; The bullet punctured my vest and got stuck in my spine.

Usually when a person is shot in the back like that. It usually comes put through the otheside. My vest slowed the bullet down and instead of helping me it did more damage.

So now I'm stuck with a 22 caliber bullet in my back. Because its dangerous to remove. I was in rehab for two years gaining those abilities over and learning how to cope with chronic back pain and learning not to get hook on the pills they gave me. That I'll have to take everyday every 12 hours for the rest of my life, to keep from being in horrible pain.

I was going to go into very early retire a few days ago but I saw a dusty file from a kidnapping from two months ago on my desk. I saw YaMinas name, dropped all my shit, and found out who was on the search team and put myself on.

The call for a kidnapped victim called in, my gut told me this is it.

"On my three..... One, two.......three!" A member from the team kicked the door down and Raquel turned around with her finger on the trigger.

"Drop the gun!"

"No I gotta kill her first!" She turned back to this body on the floor.

I locked my elbows and held my gun tighter, ready to shoot. "Raquel drop the gun". She whipped around at the sound of my voice.

"Its you again". This time she aimed it at me. "It's you who arrested me in the first place".

"I was doing my job". I never lowered my gun.

"Maybe I should kill you first?" She was so angry tears trickled down her face.

"Look. I need you to drop the gun and let these people get to a hospital".

She wiped her face and shook her head.

"If I lower my gun will you lower yours?" She nodded.

I held a hand up to show her I had nothing else. We leaned down at the same time and she put hers on the floor.

"Now kick it over here". She did as told and I pulled my spare gun from behind my back and so did she.

She smiled.

"Your not as stupid as I thought you were". I sighed.

"Ma'am drop your weapon!" She was beginning to piss me off.

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