Chapter 1

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"Yeah, I loved him," i said as a single tear made its way down my cheek..  

Forcing a wide smile and trying to clear my eyes i started my story of how did a girl like me fall in love with a boy like him.


“Jezebel,” I repeated for the fifth time, as a girl asked my name.

“Nice to meet you, Jezebel. I’m Alexa and this is Clare,” said the girl, smiling as she held out her hand. Her perfect wide-like dark brown eyes and short nose matched with her long black hair. Her friend looked like one of those people who always kept on smiling.  She had a short bob cut hairstyle which gave her an edge of simplicity, brownish- black eyes lit up her whole face. Her freckled face reminded me of an old friend of mine. I didn’t look anything like them- big auburn shoulder-length wavy hair, bangs on my forehead, dark black eyes, heart-shaped lips and a long nose.

 Okay, so I didn’t have to sulk about the new school, maybe people were nice here- who knows maybe I’ll find someone interesting who is just like me.

Who was I kidding?

I was that new girl again; I had to start from scratch. This was the third time that this happened. I was the girl everyone gave weird looks. My each and move would be noted, like I was their lab rat. As I chewed my bottom lip nervously, my mind was frozen- why wouldn’t people look away. Didn’t their parents teach them not to stare? I knew I looked a little different from them but come on, I wasn’t an alien.

  I was the city girl whose parties would be one of the biggest and the best. People would not go home before midnight. I was the one everyone at school adored. And now I was stuck here for 6 months, if I liked the town, my parents would let me live here or we’d move somewhere else. That would be even more depressing – to start all over again.

All I had to do was stand with my head high, smile and get the two years of my life, off my head.

I shook her hand, returning the gesture, with a smile plastered on my face. Tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, I took a glance around my new school. Huge white pillars stood at almost every corner. Lockers painted white and blue, marble glittering on the walls. Big blue stairs stood farther away from the lockers. Normally I loved to make new friends but now there were boys around and I wasn’t so comfortable because I went to all girls’ school. One thing you learn there- don’t ever let them get to you.

“Come on, you are in my class, I’ll show you the way,” said Alexa, as she led me across the lockers.

Uh, I zoned out again. Second time since morning.

“Sure, why not?” I muttered, as sweetly as possible

The stairs were never ending. It felt like this was all a nightmare I would wake up anytime. I noticed that everyone seemed to know Alexa; it was like everyone treated her like a princess. And that’s when I noticed Alexa’s badge.

Crap, she was on the student council and not only was that enough she the Deputy Head Girl. My friendship with her could either make me a reputation or my friendship with her could ruin 2 years of my life.

“You’ll love our class, even though it’s a bit crazy,” said Emily and Alexa nodded in agreement.

Next thing I know, I’m entering a small corridor where two boys were talking. I shifted my bag onto my other shoulder, nervously.

God, why was I so jumpy, they were just boys, not like they were going to eat me up.

 They stopped talking when they saw me. Emily mouthed ‘New student’ when she thought I wasn’t looking.

“Hi, I’m Fred and this is Jared,” said one of the boys. His skin a tad bit too tanned and his half quizzical smile made him look smart.

“I’m Jezebel,” I introduced as we all entered the classroom.

I kept my bag on the desk next to Alexa’s and Clare’s and turned around as the bell rang. Students pouring in and kept their bags on their desks and started introducing themselves to me. I noticed a girl who sat next to Emily didn’t say anything to me; she just kept an eye on me. I sat on my desk when looked around at the classroom. Charts covered the walls on various topics. Large windows covered the back of the class, the walls painted light brown. We got up to wish the teacher who had just walked in.  She asked me my name and where did I transfer from.

Thank God, she didn’t ask me to introduce myself like in the movies.

“Rosendale,” I answered. Her eyes grew wide open, but smiled.

 She started to take attendance, when my gaze went to the door and then I saw him.

Flawless, brown eyes-black hair, lopsided breathtaking smile that could make any girl weak in the knees. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t move, butterflies fluttered in my stomach. This never happened before. I only read these things in books. Was he was my first crush? He walked across me and sat to my left diagonally.

Behind him did I only realized now was his twin.

A/N HEY!!! Okay so this the first time i have attempted to write a story.... I actually love the stories on wattpad.....So i thought of writing one... :) Please VOTE and COMMENT, it would mean the world to me... :) 

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