Chapter Seven: Upgrade >:3

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I gave a small grunt as I stretched- my injuries were near enough recovered now, only two days later. I assumed that the speed of it was due to the spiritual energy that flowed through everything in the Seireitei. The only thing that took a long while to heal was my nervous system, which had been pretty much fried by the volts from the lightning coursing through my body. That, and my heart, which still palpitated every now and then. I had to stay on tablets for the next two weeks- two a day, one in the morning and one at night.

I was surprised at how little nervousness I felt to be back here. Surrounded by four white walls of a room in the Squad four barracks, I felt as though I had never left, as though the incident never happened. Which was odd, considering that the Squad four hospital area was the place I first woke up to that day.

I rubbed my face, and scanned the room, breathing a small sigh of relief as I pinpointed Hibanamaru's location. As it was, I couldn't handle being seperated from him for even a second.

"Feeling better, Atai-san?" a mellow voice drifted to me, and I looked up. A smile broke out across my face.

"Ukitake-taichou! How are you? I haven't seen you in ages!!" I exclaimed, the words tumbling out of my mouth excitedly. He chuckled.

"So-so. But I came here to see how you are doing. And things have been fine, thank you for asking." I grinned, but it soon slipped into a pout.

"Ne, I don't suppose you know when I can leave here, do you? This hospital room is so boring, and Shiro-chan doesn't help much." I said, and said Captain then walked into the room. He scowled.

"Well, you're not exactly easily entertained, Atai!" Toshiro replied, "What did you want me to do, magic tricks?!"

My eyes went wide. "Hya, that would have been awesome--!" I breathed. Toshiro looked irritated, and I giggled. He was so fun to tease. Ukitake smiled.

"Things haven't changed, I see." he commented, then grew more serious, "I believe that Unohana-san is going to be visiting you momentarily, Atai-san. Then you will find out if you can leave or not."

I nodded slowly, and reached to put my shoes on. No one moved to stop me, though both visitors looked like they wanted to. Then, thankfully, Unohana walked through the doorway.

"Ah, Atai-san!" she smiled, and I stood, "Good news! You're good to go-"

I didn't hear the rest. I was too busy jumping out of the window.

"Atai-! Get back here!" Toshiro shouted after me, and I laughed freely,

"You'll have to catch me first!" I sang, dropping between a gap in some buildings and dodging around a large group of shinigami. Several of them stared as though I had multiple heads, and I saluted.

Everything was more or less where I left it, much to my relief. I hated learning the layout of new places- I always got myself lost.

My train of thought came to an abrupt halt as I crashed into someone, sending me sprawling backwards. I squinted up at them- they were silhouetted against the sun, making it difficult. They offered a hand and pulled me up.

"Sorry 'bout that, Mister-" I cut off with wide eyes as I stared at him, "Whoa, did you get scratched by a tiger or something?!"

I was immediately yanked backwards by my collar, being dragged away. Toshiro gave me a frown, then apologised to Scratchy-face. "Sorry about that, Hisagi-san. Atai seems to have left her manners in the human world." then he hissed at me, "You shouldn't be running around like this when you're fresh out of hospital! You are still not one hundred percent healed, baka!"

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