Chapter 2

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“Hey Logan” I say feeling my smile increase. He looks just as good as he did two years ago, possibly even better. He still had those warm brown eyes and his cute lopsided smile. His build had changed.  He is taller, with broader shoulders. He’s looked as if he has worked out a lot more since the last time I saw him. 

After a second of just standing there looking at me, Logan steps forward and brings me into a tight embrace. Closing my eyes, I take in the feeling of being held by him. His smell and the secure feeling I get when I am in his arms, awakens all the memories of that summer. I slowly drift back to the summer before my junior year, that summer that changed my life, but before I can completely drift off into my memories, Logan brings me back to reality.

“How are you Emmy?” he says has he slowly loosens our embrace and I reluctantly take a step back, instantly aware of the gap between us.

“I have been good, thanks. What about you?”

“I have been pretty good myself, busy, but good. Wow, Emmy you’re looking great!” I feel a slight blush warm my cheeks as he slowly takes in my appearance. Normally I wouldn’t take a complement so easily, but in all fairness I was still in shock of seeing him here.

Before I am able to come up a response Rob clears his throat and I am grateful to be able to focus on something other than the pure shock of seeing this boy again.

Logan’s attention also turns his friend as he eyes us suspiciously. “So I assume that you two know each other.” Rob says with a small smile.

I thought that he would be annoyed by us rudely having our reunion while I was meant to be on a date with him. Instead he actually seemed amused by the whole thing.

“Errr… yeah we do” I return the smile that he is giving me. Not quite sure how this is going to work out.

“Well seeing as we are all friends, Logan why don’t you join us?” Rob turned to his friend giving his a look that I cannot quite place. And with that look he takes his seat, waiting for Logan and I to join him. Not wanting to just stand there like an idiot I take my seat as well. Logan follows suit and takes the seat next to Rob. I now have the two of them right in front of me and I can’t help but compare the two.

Rob has the whole boyish look, with his somewhat scruffy hair that covers his forehead, and an amused smirk.  Logan on the other hand carries the sophisticated, manly look. I can’t help but notice that he still has the same pair of glasses from two years ago and they still looked just as good. They didn’t make him look nerdy, like mine did, (when I every occasionally wore them) they made him look intellectual and classy.

"So…. Are you two going to tell me how you know each other, or do I have to sit here wondering for the rest of the night?” Rob’s smirk grows even bigger.

Before I can try to muster a reply, Logan answers Rob’s question.  “Emma  and I met during one of my summers in Ohio.” He ends his sentence with secretive smirk my way.

“Well judging by the way you two are looking at each other, I’m guessing it was a very good summer.” Rob gives me a wink and he nudges Logan’s shoulder.

“Yeah, it was one of the best.”

I feel a blush creep up my cheeks as Logan replies to his friend’s comments. For some reason I cannot seem to find the words to carry on a conversation. I blame it on post-traumatic stress I am experiencing at the moment. I just can’t believe that he is here.

He’s here.

Sitting at the same table as I am.

I have to be dreaming or experiencing hallucinations because this can’t be possible. Logan Alvarenga was here sitting in front of me, with the guy I’m meant to be on a blind date with.  Well it’s safe to say my night is going whole lot more interesting than I previously planned.


Okay so that wasn't the greatest chapter and I'm really sorry I took so long to update!!! things have been hectic busy!!!

Anyway please comment! 

I quick question: Does anyone feel that the story is a little too G-rated??? I kinda a have a feeling the dialogue is too 'goodie good' if you get what I mean??? 

If you feel this please let me know, I want the dialogue and actions in the story to be realistic to howus teens speak, but I also don't want it to be over-the-top rude or dirty.

Anyway sorry for the little rant. Hope you are enjoying the story and please do encourage your friends to read it to

lotsa love to all you wattpaders! mwah <3 xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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