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Liam's P.O.V

Today. Today will be the best day of my life. Perrie and I are going to see One Direction today. You are not going believe what my poster says, it's so gay its cringey. It says MR HORAN RIGHT HERE COME ON NIALL YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME. Amazing I know.

I mean Niall's perfectly straight and that's depressing. Lets not give up hope though, eh? Maybe he'll notice me, he'll be secretly gay and we'll fall in love.But you know, never going to happen. Anyway Per is here so that e can go super early and spend hours in the new 1D world they just opened there.

Niall's P.O.V

Something doesn't feel right. I feel as though something is going to happen today. Not the bad kind suprisingly but something very good will happen.

Nah, I'm probably just tired. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, I tried and tried to go to sleep but no. My brain didn't want to shut off.

Me and the boys have another concert today in Wolverhampton, where we stayed the night. We have to go to the arena early so that we can check everything and make sure everythinng is ready for the concert. Anyways I have to go now Paul's calling me.

3 Hours Later................

Liam's P.O.V

The show starts in 1 minute. Omg someone save me. Front row seats are the best. We're so close that i might be able to touch them when they come on. My posters ready and omgggggg there they are. I scream as I spot Niall and i stare into his crystal blue eyes. Our eyes lock for a minute and I feel sparks shoot through my body. Woah.

I turn away to look at Per but she has tears streaming down her cheeks while staring intently at Zayn. I look back at Niall too se that he is already staring. He motions to my poster and winks as I feel my cheeks start to heat up.

1 hour in and it's amazayn. I can't seem to take my eyes of the beautiful boy on the stage and sometimes he catches my eye and smiles at me.

Harry's P.O.V(A/N ooh shocker)

Niall keeps staring at the same boy. He has happiness and love in his eyes. I turn to look at the boy that seems to have caught Niall's eye. I saw the poster first and I laughed out loud at this. I move don to look at the boy, to see his eyes locked on Niall.

Tears streaming down his face with his love for Niall in his eyes. I soon recognise him as the boy that Niall always describe to us in so much detail. The boy from his dreams. His soulmate. I gasp as i realise this and look with shock between him and Niall.


Niall's P.O.V

He's here. Liam's here right in front of my eyes. He's even more beautiful then in my dreams. But it's something else that shocks me and fills me with glee. He loves me. He loves our band and the one he chose to love is me. His poster is funny and I can't seem to stop looking at him.

One of the "directioners" seem to notice this and out of pure jealousy, throws a shoe at the beautiful boy's head, knocking him unconcious.

I gasp and the girl standing next to him screams "LIAM!" She looks at up me and shouts "Do Something!" I run over to Paul and tell him "Stop the concert, take that boy in an ambulance and I'll meet you there. I run and tell Harry what's happening before running into my car and driving to the hospital.

What will happen to Liam my beautiful boy.

A/N- So I couldn't wait to update this and I just had too. What will happen to Liam dun dun dun......

Anyway if you read this could you please vote or comment maybe? And if you read this comment Purple Cats Riding A Unicorn. thank you bbys. mwah. Dedicated to @NIALLatemynamesorry for being the first to comment love my story, thanks bby :*

-Laura or as my friends call me Curly :) x

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