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I dare Football Zombie to go out with me. I also dare Peashooter to ask out Chomper.

FZ: Eh... I honestly do prefer people over zombies. Why not.

Peashooter: Are you CRAZY?? For one, Chomper's a dude! I'm not gay! Second of all, a kiss from him would be the equivalent of him BITING MY HEAD OFF!!

Snowpea: I'll tell Sunflower your crush...

Peashooter: O.O CHOMPER IT IS!

- Later -

Chomper: this a dare?

Peashooter: Yeah... So you don't-

Chomper: YEAH!!!!!

Peashooter: Wha???

Chomper: Oh, SURE! Just because I'm ferocious means I'm a boy!

Peashooter: Waaaait... You're a girl?

Chomper: Uh, yeah!

Peashooter: O.O Well that's new.


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