Chapter 10: The Day I Became a Directioner...

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Chapter 10

Myra's P.O.V

I just sat there on my bed, out of tears to cry.

I really didn't know why I cried, I kind of liked the kiss.

One: I liked it because it was my first kiss, it was magical.

Two: My first kiss was with Harry Styles! Duhh?!

I thought about Harry. Does he have feelings for a thirteen year old girl?

I just sat there thinking about what happened at the bottom of that staircase, just about ten minutes ago.

The thought hit me.

I just had my first kiss with Harry Styles, from One Direction.

I smile stretched across my face. I was kind of excited.

I have had a crush on Harry ever since I started liking One Direction.


Sometimes my friends really annoy me, you know?

We were all sitting in my bedroom, talking about boys and clothes and you know all that whiz.

Once in a while, one of them would bring up One Direction.

I despised those boys. And my friends gossiping about them just made it worse.

I am a HUGE belieber.

I love Justin Bieber sooo fudging much.

"Ughh can we talk about JB instead of 1D?!" I asked annoyed.

"Myra, when will you lose the Bieber Fever and catch a case of One Direction Infection, like the rest of us did?" Kendra asked.

"I will be a belieber forever, I love Justin so much!" I swooned.

"Just watch this video of one of their songs and I guarantee you will fall instantly in love with them!" Mary said.

"Fine! If it will get you two to shut up!" I said.

I grabbed my laptop and opened it up. I went on to Youtube and asked Kendra what I should type in.

She said to type in "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction.

I typed it into the search engine and sure enough, there it was.

I clicked on it, disgusted.

The first scene, there was a beach, and then a catchy tune started to play.

The first boy to sing was a brown curly haired boy with brown eyes, he was cute.

Your insecure, don't know what for,

your turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or.

Don't need makeup, to cover up,

being the way that you are is eno-o-ough.

It was actually kind of good so far, this guy was cute, but then another boy came on the screen.

He looked exactly like the boy before him, except he had the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. There was something about him that was cute.

I paused the video, unable to go on with it.

It was like a wave of love drowned me.

"Myra? Are you ok?" Mary asked.

I stared at the screen, I paused it so that boys face was still on the screen.

"I think she loves Harry!" Kendra cheered.

'Harry is his name' I thought.

Yes, Kendra was right.

It was love at first sight, even though it was a tiny computer screen.

I instantly became a Directioner.


I thought about that day, the day I became a Directioner.

The day I fell truly, madly, deeply in love with Harry....

Authors Note: Yayy!! An update!! Guys, I seriously think my One Direction Infection is getting serious, I had to miss school yesterday and today because I got sick! Whoop! Whoop! *raise the roof*  *put your hands in the air like you just don't care*  Ehhmm, anyways, More coming soon Narwals! (;  ~ Xx Myra

That One Dream... (One Direction/Harry Styles fanfic) Based on My Dream...Where stories live. Discover now