Chapter 2

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"What? Your insane if you don't think Marian Hill is better than Zella Day." I gasped. Me and Shayla sat at our usual lunch table discussing our favorite female singers while eating our usual, chicken burgers with apple slices.
"It's not that Zella Day is better, I just think her singing style is sweeter and has more passion in it. Marian Hill always has huge beats in her songs and it makes it harder to actually listen to her and what she's singing." She finished her rampage, and I nodded in aproval, while shoving a apple slice in my mouth. All the sudden Shayla gasped and jumped up and down making me jump from the sudden excitment.
"I totally almost forgot to tell you, guess who has one of the new students in her first period" She paused to point at herself and continued, "his name is Ethan Dolan and he is sooo hot." I looked at her confused for a moment then began to speak. "His name is Ethan Dolan?"
"Yup, and he is uber hot." She replied with a huge smile plastered on her face.
"That's weird, I think I got his brother in my math class, his name is Grayson Dolan. Mrs. Eun sat him next to me because she thinks he'll help me with my grade." I said with a dull voice, clearly not matching Shayla's excitment.
"Damn, that is weird. Is he hot too?" She asked raising her eyebrows.
"Well yeah, the guys jawline is stronger than my morals." I said with a chuckle. She laughed as well and nodded. I looked over to the lunch line to see if they had any apples left when I saw Grayson standing next to a guy that looked exactly like him. The only difference was that the guy next to him was like an inch shorter and didn't have any blonde streaks in his hair.
"Well I'll be dammed..." I half whispered to myself. Shayla gave me a confused look and turned her head in the direction I was staring and she almost choked.
"Oh my god, they're twins." She yelped. "Oh oh oh, that's Grayson?" She half yelled.
"Yup, and I'm guessing that's Ethan?"
"Yup." She said with a cheesy smile. When both the brothers turned around from the lunch line they saw me and Shayla staring at them.
"Oh my god." Shayla said whipping her head down to look at the half eaten chicken burger. Clearly as an attempt to play off us staring. "They totally saw us looking." She whispered. I laughed at her for being so paranoid.
"Chill, Shayla. They probably think we were looking at something else." I turned to look at her and then back at the twins.
"Will you stop looking at them Laney? They're gonna think we're stalkers." She half whispered half yelled. The twins looked like they were coming our way and the second they got by our table I immediately pointed to the lunch menu above where the lunch line is and partially yelled, "See Shayla? They do sell Chocolate Chip cookies on Wednesday. It's right by the Cherry Pie. How can you not see that? I think you might need glasses."
This got the twins attention and they looked at us raising their eyebrows while walking past our table. Shayla turned a rose color and glared at me before she whispered.
"What the hell was that for?" She said with pursed lips.
"Well first of all your welcome and second of all now they think we were looking at the lunch menu and not them so you can now live your life without the constant worry of looking like a stalker. A little gratitude." I said, my voice thick with sarcasm. She just smiled and playfully hit my arm. The lunch bell rung and it was off to 4th period we go. Ugh I hate science. I thought as I opened the classroom door to Mr. Howard's class. I took my usual seat in the back corner. For some reason teacher's really like to put me in the back. I watched the classroom door to see kids running their asses off making sure they weren't late for class. It was rather entertaining. When I saw Leah come through the door I tried not to puke. She was like the most popular girl in school, and I really fucking hated her. Why? You ask, I'll tell you why. We used to be best friends all through middle school and then partially through 9th grade, but something happened to her and all the sudden she became this stuck up bitch that thinks everything is a competition. I liked a guy, she would flirt with him. I would freaking talk to a guy and she would start to flirt with him. She always had to prove she was better looking. I mean she is beautiful, but her personality sucks. She was wearing a white shirt that hung a little too low if you ask me and black leggings that showed her curves. Her hair was a curly dark brown that went down to her shoulders with blonde highlights. Her dark brown eyes had eyeliner smeared across them and she wore a dark shade of red lipstick. She took her seat in front and began to talk to the school's man-whore, Terence. I looked back at the door when I saw Grayson enter.
"You've got to be kidding me" I whispered to myself. Grayson scanned the room for a second and cought me looking at him for the second time today. He quickly walked over to where I was sitting and asked if the empty seat next to mine was taken. I shook my head and motioned him to sit down.
"My names Grayson." He said extending a hand. I gladly shook it.
"I'm Laney." I said as politely as I could. I then turned to my backpack and got out my Science book. The rest of the period went by rather slow. We didn't say much to each other besides him asking me about the class. I glanced over at him to see him looking at Leah. I cleared my throat and he looked at me.
"So, your first day of school here and ya already got your eye on someone?" I asked with a grin. He looked down at the desk and smiled.
"Nah, just trying to figure out whose who in this school." He said looking up. I laughed a little and started to point at Leah.
"Well, if you truly wanna know, that girl right there is the most popular girl in this school and the guy she's talking to is the man-whore of the school." I laughed a little and looked back at my notes. He smiled and pointed to a guy in the front row.
"And he is?" I looked where he was pointing and snickered to myself.
"That is the one and only Chris Bark, he sells weed to all the schools stoners." He raised his eyebrows and smiled. Holy shit, he has a sexy smile.
"And what about you?" He asked, his smile getting bigger.
"What about me?"
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Who am I? Well I'm the most kick-ass person you've probably met all day." I said with a huge smile. He started to laugh and nodded. The bell rung and school was done for the day. I got my ass out of that school faster than you run to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I just really missed my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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